Monday, June 17, 2024

NOFX supported by fellow pop punk legends in trilogy of final shows

NOFX will be supported by the likes of Dropkick Murphys, Pennywise, and Less Than Jake in their trilogy of final shows.

‘I’d like a number one record…’ Nathan Dawe reveals ambition for 2024

Nathan Dawe has made it his ambition to have a number one single before the year ends. The 30-year-old...

Shaboozey wants collaboration with Sabrina Carpenter

Shaboozey "would love to collaborate" with Sabrina Carpenter. The 29-year-old singer/songwriter - who features on Beyoncé's latest album 'Cowboy...

Queens of the Stone Age to ‘take a little break’

Queens of the Stone Age teased they have "some aces in some sleeves", but first, they will take a "little break".

Charli XCX: ‘I know I’m not everybody’s cup of tea’

Charli XCX admits she knows she isn't "everybody's cup of tea". The '360' hitmaker has just had her biggest-selling...

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Charlize Theron and Sean Penn to adopt?

Charlize Theron and Sean Penn are reportedly planning to adopt.
The Hollywood couple are said to be moving in together and the South African actress is eager for her son Jackson, two - who is also adopted - to have a brother or sister.
A source said: "Charlize was an only child and always wished for a brother or sister. It's important to her that Jackson have a brother or sister."
Sean - who has grown up daughter Dylan, 23, and son Hopper, 20, with his ex-wife Robin Wright - is said to be particularly keen to adopt from Haiti, the island where he has done much charity work since it was hit by an earthquake in 2010.
The source added to America's OK! magazine: "Sean is passionate about Haiti. He's done a lot of work there and thinks adopting form Haiti makes sense. They hope to adopt by the end of the year."
It was recently reported that Sean has 'baby-proofed' his Malibu home ready for Charlize and Jackson to move in, by erecting a new fence around the swimming pool in the back garden, and bringing in a trampoline.

Sam Bailey: Katie Hopkins could cause suicide

Sam Bailey thinks Katie Hopkins could cause someone to commit suicide.
The 2013 'X Factor' champion has been involved in a number of arguments with the former 'Apprentice' star, who referred to her as a "fat mum in a jumpsuit", and she worries one day Katie's going to take it too far.
She said: "I worry she could do it to someone that's really depressed or on the brink of something... L'Wren Scott, no one knew she was the way she was. It only takes one thing to push someone over the edge so they commit suicide and she could be that person that upsets someone that much that they take their own life.
"I wouldn't like to be in her shoes. It's a matter of time before she upsets the wrong person."
Katie is also known for criticising people's parenting techniques, but Sam - who is expecting her third child with her husband Chris - refused to return the insults.
She told BANG Showbiz: "With regards to comments she makes about other people, it's very hurtful. But I'm not going to say she's a bad mum - she puts clothes on her kids' backs. I don't know what she's like at home but I wouldn't want to be one of her kids. You want to be proud of what your parents do."
Sam's debut album 'The Power of Love' was released last Monday (24.03.14).

Andrew Garfield: Emma Stone approves of Spider-Man’s manhood

Andrew Garfield says Emma Stone approved of how his manhood looked in 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Rise of Electro'.
The British star appears as the titular superhero in the new movie, which meant filming in the figure hugging suit, and he was very conscious of how he looked in it.
He told Australian TV show 'The Project': "It takes a lot of consideration, because you don't want it to be overwhelming and also you don't want it to be underwhelming. But ultimately, you have to trust that what you have is enough."
Emma - who is his girlfriend both on and off-screen - jokingly added: "Because with great power, comes great responsibility."
Andrew then said: "I had one focus group [check it out] and that focus group was Emma. She approved."
Andrew and Emma are in Singapore at present, promoting their latest movie, and after Spider-Man was named the first official ambassador for Earth Day today (28.03.14), they visited the local Commonwealth Secondary School as guests of the World Wide Fund For Nature.
There Andrew set to work planting trees with Jamie Foxx, who also stars in 'Spider-Man 2' as the superhero's nemesis, Electro.

Enrique Iglesias’ ‘immature’ chat-up lines

Enrique Iglesias' chat-up lines are all "stupid and immature".
The Spanish lothario has been in an on/off relationship with tennis player Anna Kournikova since 2001, but says if he did need to break the ice with a lady he'd rely on his boyish charm.
He told website MailOnline: "My lines tend to be kind of stupid and immature. If a girl can laugh at a joke then I always think that's cool. That's fun, it's a good opener."
The 38-year-old 'Hero' star also had some tips on male hygiene, advising anybody with a hairy back to get their clippers out.
He added: "If you have a hairy back, shave it; brush your teeth; fake tan I'm not so much into. Not too much hair I guess - I shave everywhere. I'm kidding, I don't shave everywhere... But most places you do try to trim."
Enrique also told how now he's in his 30s he finds it a little harder to keep in shape, although when he's on tour, his energetic live show ensures he burns off plenty of energy.
He added: "One of the things I've noticed, when you turn 30 and up, you've gotta watch a little bit more what you eat. But in my case, going on tour, two hours on stage, you actually lose a lot of calories, which is good. I notice when I'm not on tour I'm not in as good shape. It helps me like a workout.
"When it comes down to the gym or anything that's cardio, like running on the treadmill, I'm very lazy. What I like to do more is sports. Whether it's surfing or paying racquetball with my friends, you sweat a lot and I like that better."

Ricky Gervais: Famous people like Muppets being rude

Ricky Gervais says famous stars make cameos in the Muppets movies because its great to have somebody be "rude to you".
The British funnyman appears in the latest movie caper, 'Muppets Most Wanted', alongside the cheeky puppet characters and an all-star cast including the likes of Tom Hiddleston, Celine Dion, Salma Hayek and Christoph Waltz, and he claims being made fun of on screen by the likes of Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy is a welcome change for most A-list stars.
He told the BBC: "When you're rich and famous and pampered and get 'yes' all your life sometimes you want a bit of relief and someone to be rude to you for fun.
"The reason they say 'yes' to The Muppets is for the same reason that I did. It's a safe pair of hands. You can't be stitched up doing a Muppet movie.
"If someone asks you onto [notorious talk show] 'Jerry Springer' you know there's bad news coming, but when they ask you onto the Muppets, it's all good."
Ricky, 52, also explained that despite being puppets, the Muppets represent and promote human values and have a positive message for young people.
He said: "There's a deep humanity to it. It is a frog and it is a pig and it is a turkey - or whatever Gonzo is - but really it's all about human values: Hope and friendship and trying your hardest."

Top Gun 2 ‘closer and closer’ to happening

'Top Gun 2' is "closer and closer" to happening according to Jerry Bruckheimer.
The legendary Hollywood producer is working on a sequel to the classic 1986 fighter pilot movie - which starred Tom Cruise - and is hopeful it will go into production soon, with the actor reprising his role as Maverick.
He told The Huffington Post: "We've been trying to get that movie made for 30 years, and I think we're getting closer and closer.
"Don [Simpson] and I tried to develop something, we didn't succeed. [Tom] Cruise took over, and he tried to develop something, and he didn't succeed. Now we're back at it."
Jerry added it was the director of the original movie, Tony Scott, who came up with the current storyline before he passed away in 2012.
He added: "The concept is, basically, are the pilots obsolete because of drones. Cruise is going to show them that they're not obsolete. They're here to stay.
"It's just getting to the starting place. Fortunately for Tom, he's very busy, so you have to find a slot he can fit into and get a budget that [studio] Paramount feels they can make the picture."
So far no director or estimated release date for the project has been set.

Jude Law gorged on cheeseburgers

Jude Law gorged on cheeseburgers for his role in Dom Hemingway.
The British actor plays the titular role of a safe cracker who is released from prison in the new movie, and felt he should have more bulk in order to portray him properly.
He explained to website Access Hollywood: "It just seemed clear that I needed to sort of look a little bit more excessive because he was someone who didn't eat healthily, probably had a bit more bulk, drank too much, smoked too much, so I certainly changed what I normally eat.
"[I had] Ice cream - couple of tubs of ice cream a day. Cheeseburgers were good. Lots of pasta, beer, milkshakes."
Losing the weight again after filming was also no big deal for the usually skinny star, as he got tired of eating all of the calorific treats.
He added: "I got kind of sick of it. It felt by the end like gorging. I don't really eat like that normally, so I just stopped."
Jude has taken more stage roles than parts in movies in recent years, which he says is because he likes the energy rush he gets from being in theatre.
He previously said: "Stage is just a different approach - like being on tour for a musician, as opposed to making an album. In the studio you have all these toys available to you, but when you're live, you have that adrenaline rush from knowing that at 7:30, you're on and you're off!"

Lindsay Lohan references conquests

Lindsay Lohan made reference to her rumoured list of 36 sexual conquests on 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show'.
A list of the recovering actress' supposed famous sexual partners surfaced last week, and although she is yet to confirm if she actually wrote it or not, she made reference to it while discussing her pop career with the talk show host.
Reminiscing about how Lindsay had performed on Ellen's show to promote her singing career in 2004, she asked her: "I don't remember you actually ever singing. Did you sing longer than just on my show?"
Lindsay replied: "I didn't really do much promotion for it. I love music. Music is a huge part of my life just in general ... I was really nervous that day, I remember.
"That was a really emotional song. It was, like, about my dad... No. I'd just broken up with someone."
When pushed about who it was about, Lindsay coyly replied: "Apparently there's a list of many guys..."
Lindsay then admitted the track, titled 'Over', was about 'That 70s Show' star Wilmer Valderrama - whose name appears on the list of conquests - and who Lindsay had a relationship with from May until November 2004.
She added: "It was Wilmer actually. It was Wilmer Valderrama. I was really upset. Yeah, and that song I had written, like, the day after and we were still living together. I sang it in his house - tortured him just recording the song so loud in his house."
Lindsay's interview with Ellen will air on Monday (31.03.14).

Kim Kardashian to try for another baby in 2014?

Kim Kardashian is hoping to get pregnant again before the end of the year.
The reality TV star is set to marry Kanye West in France this spring and then they are rumoured to be trying for a brother or sister for nine-month-old North.
A source told Yahoo! Celebrity: "She wants to start trying by the end of the year - even though she hated being pregnant.
"She's so besotted with North that she says she's totally forgotten the awfulness of being pregnant and how much she struggled."
The 33-year-old - who has sisters Khloe and Kourtney, brother Rob and half sisters Kendall and Kylie - is said to be keen for her daughter to have a sibling close to her in age.
The insider added: "Kim has such a big family that she feels it's really important there isn't a huge age gap between North and her siblings.
"She's got her body back and loves being slim and voluptuous, but she's going to relish it for a few more months and then try for another child after the wedding, even on honeymoon.
"Kim says it'll be the most romantic thing ever and that's what they've been talking about a lot."
Kim and Kanye's wedding is set to be a star studded affair, with a guest list thought to include chat show legend Oprah Winfrey, TV host Ryan Seacrest - who produces Kim's reality show, 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' - actor Will Smith and his wife Jada Pinkett Smith, as well as close friends Beyonce and Jay Z.
The wedding will be filmed for 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians', although Beyonce reportedly doesn't want to feature on the programme.
The wedding will be Kanye's first and Kim's third marriage, after she tied the knot when she was 20 to music producer Damon Thomas for four years and later married basketball player Kris Humphries, in 2011, a union which lasted just 72 days.

Zac Efron’s friends ‘worried sick’ he is back on drugs

Zac Efron's friends are "worried sick" he has fallen off the wagon.
The 'High School Musical' actor ran into trouble in an area of downtown Los Angeles notorious for being awash with drug dealers and dangerous at night on Sunday (23.03.14), and pals claim they don't believe he had driven there in search of sushi - as he told police - and fear he is back on drugs.
Zac admitted last year he had undergone two spells in rehab, and although he didn't disclose what he was treated for, it has widely been rumoured he had problems with cocaine.
A source told "Zac's a loner. He goes out rarely and the idea of him driving for miles to go to some sushi restaurant in downtown L.A. after midnight is preposterous."
Zac, 26, had been accompanied by a man he called his bodyguard during the incident, which he told police had taken place when he had run out of gas on his way to a restaurant. He claimed as they were sitting in their car and waiting for a tow truck, he threw a bottle out of the window and it smashed on the pavement near the alleged attackers. He said three men confronted them because they believed the bottle had been deliberately thrown at them. Two men attacked the bodyguard, then Zac got hit on the mouth when he tried to help.
However, sources say Zac's friend - who has requested to remain anonymous - isn't a bodyguard at all, but a convicted drug dealer who has been hanging around the star a lot recently.
Zac also suffered a broken jaw last year when he claimed to have slipped on a fountain in his house.

Christina Aguilera expecting a girl

Christina Aguilera is expecting a girl.
The 'Fighter' singer and her fiance, Matthew Rutler, are having a daughter according to, which will be their first child together.
The girl will be a sibling to Max, Christina's six-year-old son with ex-husband Jordan Bratman.
The singer is currently in Malaysia, where she performed for fans tonight (28.03.14), writing on twitter following the show: "Ain't no other fans... Thank you Malaysia for all the love & support! XoXtina (sic)"
Christina, 33, announced she was expecting in February, a week after Matthew had proposed and is said to be over the moon with the pregnancy, with one source saying: "It wasn't expected, but it also wasn't unwelcome. They are all very excited though! Christina loves being a mom."
Production assistant Matthew met the blonde beauty on the set of movie 'Burlesque' in 2010 while she was going through her divorce, and had been planning to propose long before Christina got pregnant, even starting to design her engagement ring more than a year ago.
He popped the question in the backyard of their new home in Los Angeles, which is still under construction, on Valentine's Day.
Christina was said to be completely "shocked" by Matthew's romantic sunset proposal, for which he wore a suit and filled a gazebo with candles and red roses, before taking her to celebrate with friends and family.

Matthew McConaughey’s hat fetches 13k

Matthew McConaughey's hat from 'Dallas Buyer's Club' has fetched $13,000 at auction.
The white cowboy hat worn by the hunky star for his Oscar winning performance as AIDS patient Ron Woodroof in the drama movie reached three times its starting bid price of $3,000 when it was sold by auction house Nate D. Sanders in Los Angeles.
The hat is a size 7 and 3/8 with a 4-inch brim and made in Texas. The headwear was also sold with a certificate of authenticity from Universal Pictures.
The hat is signed under the brim, where Matthew wrote in black marker pen: "Just Keep Living, Matthew McConaughey.''
Matthew's words are a reference to lines said by his character David Wooderson in 1993's 'Dazed and Confused', his first role, where he said: "Let me tell you this, the older you do get the more rules they're gonna try to get you to follow. You just gotta keep livin' man, L-I-V-I-N'."
Matthew and his wife, Camila, have also established a foundation called J.K. Livin, which is set up to benefit high school students.
Collecting his Oscar for 'Dallas Buyer's Club', Matthew thanked his family, including his mother, Mary, his late father, James, his wife, and their three children, Levi, five, Vida, four and Livingston, 14 months.
He also said: "I want to thank God, because he's the one I look up to, he's graced my life with opportunities which I know are not of my hand or any other human hand.
"He has shown me that it's a scientific fact that gratitude reciprocates. In the words of the late [British actor] Charlie Laughton, who said, 'When you got God you got a friend and that friend is you.' "