Monday, June 17, 2024

Miley Cyrus needed ‘tough conversation’ with Dolly Parton to agree to Grammy Awards performance

Dolly Parton persuaded Miley Cyrus to perform at the Grammy Awards. The 31-year-old star sang her megahit 'Flowers' at...

Meghan Trainor dreams of collaborating with Rihanna

Meghan Trainor says Rihanna is the artist she most wants to collaborate with. The 30-year-old singer - who has sons...

‘I’d like a number one record…’ Nathan Dawe reveals ambition for 2024

Nathan Dawe has made it his ambition to have a number one single before the year ends. The 30-year-old...

Shaboozey wants collaboration with Sabrina Carpenter

Shaboozey "would love to collaborate" with Sabrina Carpenter. The 29-year-old singer/songwriter - who features on Beyoncé's latest album 'Cowboy...

Queens of the Stone Age to ‘take a little break’

Queens of the Stone Age teased they have "some aces in some sleeves", but first, they will take a "little break".

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Shia LaBeouf announces art installation

Shia LaBeouf is to take part in a performance art installation later this week.
The 'Transformers' actor will participate in '#Metamarathon' at modern and contemporary art museum Stedelijik in Amsterdam, he revealed on twitter.
He wrote: "#METAMARATHON at the @Stedelijk Amsterdam 09.25.14.(sic)"
The museum responded to the 27-year-old actor's posting, writing: "It's happening", before giving out further details of the performance.
They said: "Shia LaBeouf will embark upon a metamarathon around the perimeter of the Stedelijk Museum. Visitors are invited to participate. Running shoes optional. Starts at 2:00 p.m."
Although Shia hasn't fully explained what the installation will entail, he has recently been pictured in neon running clothes and documenting his exercise regime on Twitter via the Nike+ app.
And at the weekend, he made a cryptic posting about the definition of the word 'run'.
He wrote: "RUN: to move swiftly on foot; to PROCESS or execute a PROGRAM or instruction; an unbroken series of PERFORMANCES (sic)"
Earlier this year, the troubled actor took part in another art installation in Los Angeles.
Days after arriving at the Berlin premiere of his film 'Nymphomaniac' with a paper bag on his head bearing the words 'I am not famous anymore', Shia held a free exhibition called #IAMSORRY in which he wore the bag and sat in silence opposite fans, reportedly frequently appearing tearful.

Bruce Jenner buys race car

Bruce Jenner has splashed out $50,000 on a race car.
The 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians' star - whose estranged wife Kris Jenner filed for divorce yesterday (22.09.14) - is a keen racing fan and made an "impulse purchase" from NASCAR star Robby Gordon at the Sand Sports Super Show in Orange County yesterday.
According to website TMZ, the former Olympian plans to debut his new vehicle at the Griffin King of the Hammers race in Johnson Valley, California, in February with his sons Burt and Brandon.
As well as purchasing the car yesterday, Bruce was also busy filing his response to Kris's divorce petition, which he submitted just a few hours after the showbiz matriarch entered in her legal documents.
Bruce asked a judge to agree to the same terms set out by Kris, including that they have joint physical and legal custody of their youngest daughter Kylie, 17.
Like, Kris, Bruce asked for his own "jewellery and other personal effects," and "earnings and accumulations...from and after the date of separation".
According to, Bruce doesn't want to pay spousal support, which is also in line with Kris' petition, which asked the judge to bar the court from awarding spousal support.
The couple announced they had split last October, but the court documents state they separated on June 1 2013.

Leonardo DiCaprio joins Instagram

Leonardo DiCaprio has joined Instagram.
The 'Wolf of Wall Street' actor joined the social networking site earlier today (23.09.14) and set about filling his timeline with pictures from the United Nations General Assembly on climate in New York City.
Leonardo - who was named a United Nations Messenger of Peace last week - wrote: "This seems like the perfect setting to join Instagram and share this view from the UN General Assembly. What a great honor this is. #Climate2014 (sic)"
The 39-year-old star also posted a picture of himself looking dapper in a suit alongside UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who appointed him UN Messenger of Peace last week.
In a caption attached to the image, he wrote: "Today, I have the privilege to speak at the United Nations #Climate2014 Summit where world leaders are expected to announce the bold steps they will take to tackle climate change. Thank you Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. (sic)"
Just two hours after posting his first Instagram picture Leonardo had already amassed more than 12,000 followers, but he was following just four people in return.
The star described himself as an actor and environmentalist in his bio on the social networking site.
Leonardo has amassed 11.1 million Twitter followers since joining the social network in April 2010.

Clive Owen was never offered James Bond role

Clive Owen was never offered the role of James Bond.
The English actor has been heavily linked to the iconic character, especially after his impressive performance in crime thriller 'Croupier', but Owen insists the speculation has always been wide of the mark.
He told The Express newspaper: "It's easy to keep saying no to a role you're not being offered.
"Am I going to be the next Sean Connery? No, I'll just be the next Clive Owen."
Owen, 49, was linked to the part prior to Daniel Craig's casting in 'Casino Royale', with reports suggesting he made unreasonable financial demands.
He added: "If I hadn't worn that tux in Croupier, I'd still be begging for the parts on cop shows Robson Green turned down!"
In a recent interview with Britain's HELLO! magazine, Owen said he appreciates the success he's enjoyed as an actor, especially because he comes from a humble background.
He said: "I spent my childhood not having money and that was a constant burden.
"I'm fortunate now to have considerably more now than I used to, but I'll never forget where I come from because there is a huge number of people in the world who are stressed about money and I don't want to forget that I used to be one of them."

Bryan Cranston linked to role in The Great Wall

Bryan Cranston has entered into talks to appear in 'The Great Wall'. The 'Breaking Bad' star could appear in the eagerly-awaited film alongside fellow Hollywood heavyweight Matt Damon, who was linked to a part in the film earlier this week. Deadline ...

Gordon Ramsay axed Kitchen Nightmares to save stomach

Gordon Ramsay has axed 'Kitchen Nightmares' for the sake of his stomach.
The TV chef has confessed he's given up the popular series, which sees him visit failing restaurants in a bid to improve them, because his body needs time to recover from all the questionable food he's eaten.
Speaking in a video on the Channel 4 website, he said: "I want a rest. I want my stomach to go through a 12-month period with no ulcers.
"And then I want to go to the toilet once a day, properly, as opposed to four or five times a day once I've had a bad experience in a s**thole selling frozen food that's been defrosted in the microwave for the last 17 minutes, so no, I want to get back to eating normally."
However, despite admitting that he'll be taking at least a year off from the series - which has seen him reinvent restaurants across the globe - he's confessed it could be set to return in the future.
He explained: "I still have that hunger to get those businesses back on the map and I'm still like a little Rottweiler.
"I just want to be led up the front door, let off the lead and then booted in - sniff out the crap, turn the place upside down, give the owners a great shake and then put them back on their feet."
Gordon added: "Let's not say it's going away and finishing forever. It may come back. It depends on my ulcers."
Meanwhile, the final series - 'Costa Del Nightmares' - kicks off on Channel 4 tonight (23.09.14) at 9pm.

Craig Revel Horwood had enough of Judy Murray’s dancing

Craig Revel Horwood says Anton du Beke has his "work cut out for him" after being paired with Judy Murray on 'Strictly Come Dancing'.
The 49-year-old star - who is a judge on the BBC One celebrity dance contest - has revealed that, from what he's seen, professional dancer Anton has a lot of work to do if he wants to be in with a chance of winning the show with tennis coach Judy.
He said: "Anton, I think, is the perfect person for Judy.
"I mean, I have literally seen 30 seconds of them dancing and, to be honest, that was enough.
"I think Anton really has his work cut out for him."
The Australian-British dancer went on to say that he's unsure as to whether Judy will be good at taking criticism, as coaches are usually the ones giving rather than receiving advice.
He added: "If she can't get used to hearing the truth about her dancing then she's going to have to rethink the entire programme."
Craig also commented on the supposed "curse of Strictly", which has claimed a number of contestants' long term relationships.
Speaking on 'Loose Women', he said: "Well it [dancing] does release a happy endorphin in the brain. I think a lot of people don't have that before Strictly and then when you start exercising, I don't know, the chemistry changes between you."

Courteney Cox: I don’t get recognised enough for Friends

Courteney Cox doesn't think she gets recognised enough for her role in 'Friends'.
The 50-year-old actress starred as clean freak Monica Geller in the long running sitcom and has confessed that despite that being her most iconic role, she sometimes doesn't get recognised as much as she'd like.
Quizzed on whether people still approach her despite it being twenty years since it first aired, she told 'Jimmy Kimmel Live!': "Usually a lot, although sometimes not enough, strangely.
"I was just thinking about this the other day. I went to Turks and Caicos - just a beautiful island. I went there after I had gotten engaged [to Johnny McDaid] and it was for my birthday - that big birthday - and it was such a beautiful place.
"Johnny and I were there and we were having the best time, except after four days you're like, 'It's kind of really quiet here'. There's no wind chimes, there's no music. I mean, it is quiet. No crickets, nothing!"
The 'Cougar Town' star admits that after a few days of relaxation she decided to try to make some holiday pals but struggled until finally a 'Friends' fan recognised her and worked up the courage to approach her.
Courtney continued: "I could not make a friend! I tried so hard! It must have been my hair. No one wanted to talk to me, it was really bad.
"I was like, 'Gosh, Monica! 'Friends'! Nothing?'
"[On the last day] someone swam up to me and said, 'I just want to say I'm a big fan of 'Friends'. Can I get a picture?' I'm like, 'Are you kidding? A picture? We're eating lunch together!'"

Robin Williams’ daughter thanks fans

Robin Williams' daughter has thanked fans for their support following his death.
Zelda Williams - who briefly quit Twitter after receiving abusive messages following her father's suicide last month - has been touched to receive letters and stories from people who have experienced similar tragedies and finds it inspiring to hear how they have been able to move on from their losses.
She wrote: "I just want to say thank you for all the stories and letters I've been receiving, especially from those who've also lost loved ones.
"I don't come online often, but reading of others who have dealt with this loss & gone on to live happy, full lives is helpful. Truly.(sic)"
The 25-year-old actress then retweeted a picture of her father singing alongside 'Sesame Street's two-headed monster.
She wrote alongside a smiley face: "Bearded sing off."
Zelda returned to social media at the beginning of September after a three-week break.
She posted a link to her tumblr page of a quote from Harvey Fierstein - who played Frank Hillard alongside Robin in 'Mrs. Doubtfire - which read: "Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Alongside the link, she simply wrote. "Thank you."
Zelda announced she was quitting Twitter on August 13 after two users sent her Photoshopped pictures of her father, just days after he hung himself at his home.
She wrote: "Please report @PimpStory @MrGoosebuster. I'm shaking. I can't. Please. Twitter requires a link and I won't open it. Don't either. Please."
She added moments later: "I'm sorry. I should've risen above. Deleting this from my devices for a good long time, maybe forever. Time will tell. Goodbye."

Courteney Cox recalls proposal

Courteney Cox got engaged at Jennifer Aniston's house.
The 'Cougar Town' star agreed to marry Snow Patrol star Johnny McDaid in June and he was forced to hastily arrange his proposal as he wanted to involve her 10-year-old daughter Coco - whose father is the actress' ex-husband David Arquette - but the youngster was going away to camp.
Courteney explained: "Johnny first asked Coco. He said, 'I'd like to marry your mom,' and gave her a little diamond ring. She said, 'Great, I'm going to camp tomorrow. Let's do it right now.'
"So, they decided they wanted to do it that night because we were leaving for Turks and Caicos and she was going to camp. "We went to Jen's house for dinner because it was Coco's birthday and she was godmom.
"They made a plan to count down from three and when they got to one, he was gonna get down on his knee and say, 'Will you marry me?' and she was gonna say, 'Will you marry him?' They planned it out. They found the perfect tree that branches that led to one trunk. It was just beautiful."
However, the 50-year-old actress admits her "bored" daughter kept trying to rush Johnny, 38, into popping the question.
Speaking to TV talk show host Jimmy Kimmel, she added: "No one knew this was going to happen because it was just a dinner for, essentially, me and Coco. Coco got a little bored, as she does, and right after we were at the bar having a drink, she said, 'Three!' Johnny's like, 'No, not now!' So she's like, 'All right'.
"So, then we go to dinner and there's a salad course or whatever and she's like, 'Oh, my God!' and hits the salad glass, 'Three!' She kept jumping the gun. Finally she waited until after dinner. She was literally about to fall asleep."

Natasha Hamilton gives birth to baby girl

Natasha Hamilton has given birth to a baby girl.
The 32-year-old singer's boyfriend 5ive member Ritchie Neville has revealed on Twitter the Atomic Kitten star delivered the couple's first chilld together last night (22.09.14).
He tweeted: "Daughter was born last night. Mother and baby doing great. @NatashaOfficial did the most amazing job and I have even bigger respect. (sic)"
In further posts, Ritchie gushed the newborn is "beautiful" and also shared an inspirational quote from Nat King Cole.
He tweeted: "Baby is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.
"And fatherhood, in words of Nat King Cole "I have often walked down this street before, but the pavement always stayed beneath my feet before (sic)"
It seems Natasha new her baby was coming on Monday as in a Twitter post she revealed she had been bouncing on a maternity ball - something which helps alleviate the pain of labour and bring the baby down.
She tweeted: "Awake ... more ball bouncing..."
Former 'X Factor' winner Joe McElderry ‏was one of the first of their famous friends to congratulate them on the birth, writing on Twitter: "@RitchieNeville @NatashaOfficial congrats to you both!! Lotsa love!!! (sic)"
The couple - who began dating last year after both starring in the same series of ITV2 show 'The Big Reunion' - previously revealed that they had already decided the baby would be called Ella.
Natasha was due to give birth on September 26, but had a false alarm earlier this month when she believed she was going into labour at bandmate Kerry Katona's wedding, spending the night in hospital before returning home.
On Friday, Natasha appeared eager for the arrival of the child, tweeting: "Good morning! I'm feeling giddy as I've reached my final week of pregnancy:) come on now baby, mummy, daddy & bro's so ready to meet u now x (sic)"
Natasha already has three sons, Josh, 11, with nightclub owner Fran Cosgrave, Harry, nine, with dancer Gavin Hatcher and Alfie, three, with ex-husband Riad Erraji.

Idris Elba wins MOBO Inspiration Award

Idris Elba was presented with the MOBO Inspiration Award today (23.09.14) - an honour he described as "very special".
The actor-and-DJ is the first ever recipient of the accolade, which has been created by Kanya King, the founder of the awards.
According to Kanya, Idris was selected to be the inaugural winner due to his determination to "help and inspire the next generation of talent" in the UK and because he is an "individual who has achieved formidable success in his respective field, against all odds and as such acts as an inspirational figurehead".
The 'Prometheus' star was presented with the prize at the MOBO nominations announcement event, held at Ronnie Scott's Jazz Club in London, and although he was genuinely humbled to win it, Idris was relieved it wasn't a differently titled award.
Upon being handed his statuette by Kanya, he said: "I thought you were going to say Lifetime Achievement Award or then - I'm just too young. I want to say thank you so much this is an amazing honour. I never thought I'd ever hold one of these. I think the spirit of MOBO is about growing, you know, and if I was just a musician then I wouldn't get one of these but if I am someone that believes in life expanding your horizons, just like MOBO is doing, and trying to inspire others to do the same then this is a very special award for me and I'm very thankful for it."
Idris hopes the success he has achieved in his career will inspire the "millions" of other talented people to follow and fulfil their dreams.
He added: "You know my history, I've been very honest about all the sides of my journey, I didn't have success very early and I went through some very dark times but the main thing I kept doing was to keep looking for inspiration. I also kept growing and it hasn't stopped and I want to keep doing that and I also want to inspire others.
There are millions of me sitting at home right now and they don't know it and it's good to get this sort of platform and say, 'Come one guys, go for it.' "
The MOBO Awards take place at Wembley Arena in London on October 22.