
Willie Thorne’s friends appeal for help with star’s leukaemia battle

Willie Thorne’s friends want to raise €30,000 to help with his leukaemia battle.
The 66-year-old snooker star’s pals have set up a fundraising page after he was diagnosed with acute monoblastic leukaemia, and he also suffers with gout in his left knee.
A message on the appeal’s page – organised by Julie O’Neill on behalf of Siobhan Edwards – reads: "Willie is unable to stand and needs a carer present to assist him with his basic needs.
"Willie is in a very vulnerable situation where money is nearly depleted.
"Everyone is on coronavirus lockdown, so it is a lot harder for people to just go and offer help to get him through this."
The former ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ contestant – who went bankrupt in 2015 due to his gambling addiction – lives in Alicante but had previously travelled to the UK for professional appearances.
The GoFundMe page – which has so far raised more than €5,000 (£4,400) of its €30,000 (£26,000) target – also calls for help and advice on getting to hospital, translating to help him understand the Spanish medical professionals, and even food.
Julie continued: "Willie’s life is no secret … he is on his own and he makes his money through appearances, commentating etc. Which has, for obvious reasons, had to stop.
"He isn’t entitled to any form of relief over here, he hasn’t had a contract here, and It’s looking like he won’t receive any of the available funds in England!
"So he is left in a very vulnerable situation where money is nearly depleted.
"He may need lifts to and from the hospital for chemo, someone to translate so he can fully understand what the medical professionals are telling him, or just a warm meal in his belly but surely he can’t be left like that with nothing??
"This just go fund me request is not just a request for money but a request for help of any information, contacts etc of who and what help he can get under these circumstances. (sic)"