
Vinnie Jones would swap Hollywood for return to soccer

Vinnie Jones would happily swap his career in Hollywood for a return to professional soccer.
The 54-year-old actor – who has starred in hits such as ‘Snatch’ and ‘Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels’ – made his name in soccer, before making the switch into the movie business.
But Vinnie explained: "I would love to have stayed in football, that’s the big regret I have in my life."
Despite the success he’s enjoyed in the movie business, Vinnie admitted that shooting a film still can’t replace the excitement he used to get from soccer.
However, Vinnie appreciates all of the incredible moments he’s enjoyed since his playing career ended.
He told Planet Football: "It never replaced the buzz of football, but it gave me a different buzz.
"Walking on the set of my first movie in Hollywood and seeing Nicolas Cage and Angelina Jolie coming out of their trailers and walking on to set with me was an amazing moment.
"It was the first scene for ‘Gone In 60 Seconds’ and my bum completely dropped out. Whether that was a buzz or a panic, I don’t know, but it was certainly memorable.
"The buzz of playing football is hard to replace. I can see why a lot of footballers have a breakdown when their career ends because playing golf every day is no replacement.
"What has happened to me with my acting career was wonderful, but I would swap it in a heartbeat to be on the training pitch every day as a player or a manager with the lads."