
Vicky Pattison: The gym boosts my mental wellbeing

Vicky Pattison admits attending the gym helps to improve her mental health.
The 30-year-old TV star has revealed she exercises to maintain her enviable figure, but she also uses her time at the gym to boost her mental wellbeing.
She said: "For me, exercise is so much more than looking nice in a bikini. It’s my mental state.
"I can wake up in the morning and feel drained, overwhelmed, exhausted, scared for what the day can hold. But if I go to the gym and train, things that were overwhelming seem manageable. It puts me in the right frame of mind."
Vicky is an avid social media user, regularly posting behind-the-scenes snaps of her celebrity lifestyle on Instagram.
But the brunette beauty feels frustrated by celebrities who edit their online pictures, believing it puts an unrealistic pressure on young women.
She told The Sun newspaper: "Unrealistic images of perfection for women on social media – that bothers me.
"Everyone does feel the pressure. Kim Kardashian doesn’t look like Kim Kardashian."
Meanwhile, Vicky recently admitted she’s had a change of heart about having children.
The former ‘Geordie Shore’ star always vowed she didn’t want to be a mother, but her relationship with fiance John Noble and seeing her friends Ferne McCann – who gave birth to daughter Sunday in November – and Casey Bachelor, who is pregnant, made her think again.
She admitted: "I’m starting to feel slightly less against the idea of children. John’s friends are having kids, as well as Ferne and Casey.
"I have spoken openly in the past about never having children, but I think that was the stage of life I was at.
"Now I’m moving on and I think it’s reflective of how happy I am."