
Todd Phillips says there’s Joker sequel potential

Todd Phillips thinks there’s potential for a ‘Joker’ sequel.
The psychological thriller isn’t set for release until later this year, but the 48-year-old director is convinced there could be a follow-up if Joaquin Phoenix – who plays the mentally ill stand-up comedian in the film – agrees to star in another movie.
Speaking to Total Film, Phillips said: "One thing I will tell you: I would do anything with [Phoenix], any day of the week. There’s nobody like him. If he was willing to do it, and if people show up to this movie, and Warners came to us and said, ‘You know what? If you guys could think of something…’
"Well, I have a feeling that he and I could think of something pretty cool."
However, the likelihood of a sequel will depend on how successful the original will be when it hits cinema screens at the beginning of October.
And Phoenix recently said he fears that the upcoming movie based on the origin of the DC Comics villain may not live up to fans expectations as he and Phillips chose to stray from the original material and focus on the "story of becoming Joker".
The 44-year-old actor said: "We didn’t follow anything from the comic books, which people are gonna be mad about. We just wrote our own version of where a guy like Joker might come from.
"That’s what was interesting to me. We’re not even doing Joker, but the story of becoming Joker. It’s about this man. "
The ‘Gladiator’ actor added that he thought the project sounded "super ambitious" when he first discussed it with Phillips.
He explained: "I thought it was crazy-ambitious. Todd said to me ‘I have this idea, I wanna tell the origin story of the Joker. I said ‘Wow okay’".