
Tamzin Outhwaite finds it hard to remember her lines

Tamzin Outhwaite has struggled to learn her lines on her return to ‘EastEnders’.
The 47-year-old actress plays Melanie Owen on the BBC soap, and has revealed what’s been her biggest challenge since making her return to Albert Square.
She shared: "The biggest challenge of going back was the line learning. I have been filming today all day and I was filming scenes I only got in the last day or so. You have to learn so quickly."
Tamzin has starred in a host of TV shows since she left the programme in 2002, including ‘New Tricks’ and ‘Red Cap’.
However, Tamzin believes that soap stars are still the hardest workers in the business.
She told the Daily Express newspaper: "I have the utmost respect for actors who work in serial dramas as you can carry around 16 scripts at one time.
"Nobody in other dramas has that much to learn."
Meanwhile, Tamzin previously admitted she took three months of persuading to return to ‘EastEnders’.
The actress said that without the show’s former producer John Yorke’s persistence, she probably wouldn’t have agreed to come back.
She admitted: "I wouldn’t be doing it if it wasn’t for him I don’t think.
"He was my boss and I know that he had the show well covered when we were doing it and it was a great time to be in the programme so I got quite excited when he asked me.
"It took about three months to say a definite ‘yes’ but during that time I couldn’t get the voice out of my head of ‘oh going back to EastEnders’."