
Strictly Come Dancing ‘set to scrap Blackpool week’

‘Strictly Come Dancing’ bosses are reportedly planning to scrap the Blackpool week for this year’s series.
BBC bosses have decided to revamp the series by cancelling the Blackpool show and group dances to ensure they’re able to stage the programme amid the coronavirus pandemic.
A TV insider told the Daily Star newspaper: "’Strictly’ will be a very different show this year. A lot of the things fans love have been dropped.
"Group dances and a studio audience just can’t happen with social distancing. Cancelling Blackpool weekend was not an easy decision.
"But doing it in the current climate is too difficult. It isn’t worth doing if there won’t be a crowd."
The speculation comes shortly after Craig Revel Horwood revealed he’s confident there’s "a way around" social distancing measures to ensure ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ goes ahead as planned.
BBC bosses are eager to stage the long-running dance competition, as it’s one of the broadcaster’s most-watched shows, and Craig thinks they can find a solution to the issues created by social distancing measures.
The outspoken star – who has been a member of the judging panel on ‘Strictly’ since 2004 – explained: "I’ve spoken to the producers and they’re working through absolutely everything to make it happen. I know, fingers crossed, it will.
"There is some way around it, there has to be. People love the show, it’s great entertainment … We really want it back and I know BBC One are working extremely hard to make that happen for the audience."
Meanwhile, a BBC spokesperson said: "We will continue to review all productions on a case by case basis and will continue to follow the latest news and advice from the Foreign Office, World Health Organisation and Public Health England."