
Stacey Solomon’s struggles

Stacey Solomon has been "really struggling" amidst the coronavirus pandemic lockdown.
The ‘Loose Women’ presenter admits she has been finding it hard to leave the house and has only been out twice in nearly six weeks since the lockdown came in.
She shared: "I’m off to do our food shop while Joe holds down the fort here. I don’t know why but I’ve really struggled to leave the house and do shop runs and stuff. I’ve only done it twice since this all began. I get really comfortable at home in my ‘safe place’ and then feel really anxious to leave. But every time I do I realise how important it is to get out (if you can) and do something that you normally sued to do and enjoy. So I’m going to do it today. Thinking of those who can’t leave their homes."
And Stacey took to social media after the food shop to thank the key workers.
In a later Instagram story, she added: "Food shop done. Now time to put it all away. Shout out to every key worker wearing PPE and masks all day every day to be there for us. We love you."
The 30-year-old singer and presenter previously confessed she is "on the brink of tears all the time".
Stacey said: "Joe’s gone to get baby milk because we ran out and I am going to have to do something because I just feel on the brink of tears all the time."
And writing alongside the clip – in which she burst out laughing at the end – she wrote: "I don’t know why I’m laughing. It’s got to be hormones or the moon. Do you ever have one of those days where you feel like you’re welling up all the time for NO REASON what so ever?
"And then you feel terrible for feeling teary when there are so many people in the world in such awful circumstances I have no reason to be teary what so ever. (sic)"