
Sixx:A.M. have no plans to tour or release new music

Sixx:A.M. have no current plans to tour or release new music.

Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx’s side band released the compilation LP ‘Hits’ in October, but frontman James Michael – who is also joined by DJ Ashba, 49, in the heavy metal group – has insisted they do not plan to hit the studio or play shows anytime soon.

However, he refused to rule out reuniting with his bandmates in the future.

The 54-year-old star told Australia’s ‘Rock Lives Here’ podcast: “It’s funny — every time Sixx:A.M.. made an album, we said to ourselves, ‘This is the last album we’re gonna make.’ We said that on ‘The Heroin Diaries’ soundtrack. We said, ‘This is a one-off. We’ll never do this again.’ Then we did ‘This Is Gonna Hurt’, and it was, like, ‘Yeah, this is gonna be our last album, for sure.’ And then we did ‘Modern Vintage’, [and it was], like, ‘This is gonna be our last one.’ So we’ve been saying that since the beginning.

“When we put together this ‘Hits’ album, of course, we had in mind that if this was the last thing that Sixx:A.M. does, we want it to be right and we want it to thoughtful and we want it to be meaningful.

“And so we really set out with that intention; we wanted to kind of put a nice bow on this decade of music that we’ve created.

“So, as of right now, we don’t have any plans for anything — no touring, no new music or anything. And that’s why we’re so excited to be sharing this ‘Hits’ album with everyone because it may be the last thing we do. I don’t know. We’ll see. That’s one thing I’ve learned with Sixx:A.M. — I never say never.”

In 2017, ‘Girls, Girls, Girls’ hitmaker Nikki announced he was putting the trio on the back burner.

On what the future held for the ‘Life Is Beautiful’ rockers, the 63-year-old star said they were busy working on their own personal projects, so they wouldn’t be performing together.

He said at the time: “[There are] no tour plans for SIXX:A.M.

“James [Michael] and DJ [Ashba] and me talked at the beginning of this year, and I think that the idea of SIXX:A.M. being a side project has been just the way it’s been, and we went out and started focusing on it being a main project.

And I think DJ has a bunch of stuff he wants to do musically, and he has this media company that he focuses on that he does really good at. And James is a producer and a songwriter.

“Right now is the first time where I’m actually not in a band, and I’m not gonna have radio, and as of January 1st, I don’t have a job.

“Like, what’s gonna happen with this brain with all that free time?”