
Sir Cliff Richard cleared of sex assault claims

Sir Cliff Richard has been cleared of sex assault allegations after the Crown Prosecution Service dropped the case.
The 75-year-old singer was interviewed last year and in 2014 by South Yorkshire Police, who were investigating allegations that he sexually abused a teenage boy in the 1980s but the case has now been dropped due to insufficient evidence.
Martin Goldman, Chief Crown Prosecutor for Yorkshire and Humberside, said: "The CPS has carefully reviewed evidence relating to claims of non-recent sexual offences dating between 1958 and 1983 made by four men.
"We have decided that there is insufficient evidence to prosecute.
"This decision has been made in accordance with the Code for Crown Prosecutors and our guidance for prosecutors on cases of sexual offences.
"The CPS worked with police during the investigation. This has helped minimise the time needed to reach a decision once we received the complete file of evidence on 10 May.
"The complainants have been informed and provided with a full explanation in writing."
Cliff has always denied the allegations and at the time of his voluntary interview in November last year, his representative said they were "completely false".
The rep said: "Sir Cliff Richard voluntarily met with and was interviewed by members of South Yorkshire Police. He was not arrested or charged, nor has he ever been. He co-operated fully with officers and answered the questions put to him.
"Other than restating that the allegations are completely false and that he will continue to co-operate fully with the police, it would not be appropriate for Sir Cliff to say anything further at this time."
And it was previously revealed that Cliff felt "strained" by the investigation, which went on for two years.
His close friend David Wigg said: "It is really appalling it is taking so long. As far as I’m concerned Sir Cliff has had an unblemished life. I don’t believe any of these accusations. I don’t understand why this is taking so long. I think it’s awful for him and it’s been a tremendous strain not having any conclusion for so long.
"He has been left shocked and strained by the allegations. In cases like this that person is damaged professionally whatever the outcome. It’s been a tremendous shock and strain for him. It seems like something of a witch-hunt."