
Sinitta reveals shock over street attack

Sinitta has been left in a state of shock since having her weave ripped out by an attacker on the streets of London.
The 54-year-old star has revealed she’s been left nursing bruises after she was assaulted last month, with the singer suspecting she had her hair extensions torn out by her attacker because he mistakenly thought she was homophobic.
Reflecting on the dramatic incident, Sinitta told The Sun newspaper: "I still can’t believe it. I was so shocked that I could not do anything. I was so shocked.
"I did not realise that it left me with a bruise on my scalp. I do hope it is not going to become a thing [with copycat attackers]. Do you know what I mean?"
The incident took place outside the The London Cabaret Club, where the attacker alleged she was against the LGBT community.
But Sinitta has rubbished the accusation, and has revealed she plans to release a song called ‘Shine With Pride’ to prove her point.
The ‘So Macho’ hitmaker explained: "I am not going to take any action, no. It was a drama and it was not nice.
"The guy that did it thought I was saying something slurring against the LGBT community.
"I am like, ‘Oh darling, do your research.’ Nobody has been more supportive of the LGBT community than me."
Prior to being attacked, Sinitta logged on to her Twitter account to share her joy that Hillsong Church in London was accepting of the LGBT community, which prompted her to get into an argument with another user.
She posted: "Can’t wait for #LGBT to hit @HillsongLondon About Time! Amen. (sic)"
A Twitter user then replied: "Church is everybody!! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY? (sic)"
Sinitta then encouraged the tweeter to attend the church so he could experience a service himself, which prompted him to say: "Oh do I now. You really need to watch your Mouth! Who are you?"