
Seth Meyers to duet with Oprah Winfrey at the Golden Globes

Seth Meyers has jokingly claimed he’ll perform a duet with Oprah Winfrey at this year’s Golden Globes.
The 43-year-old TV star is poised to host the annual awards ceremony in Beverly Hills on January 7 and has pledged to remain tight-lipped about the specifics of the event – but has also openly joked about what attendees may be treated to.
During an interview with an E! News reporter, Seth said: "Yeah, I’m not going to give you any scoop."
To which, the reporter replied: "Even if it’s fake?"
At that point, Seth was happy to reveal some untruths about the ceremony.
He quipped: "[Oprah Winfrey] and I are doing a duet. It’s very long. We are doing the entire Hamilton soundtrack together, start to finish – but slower. The tempo is about three times slower than normal. We’ve rehearsed it twice. The shortest we’ve done is six and a half hours."
On a more serious note, Seth revealed he was looking forward to host the event.
But the TV star admitted he’ll still be "fine tuning" his jokes right up until he takes to the stage.
Seth said: "These things are really unique opportunities that don’t come around that often.
"It’s an honour to be doing it and I’m looking forward to it."
Meanwhile, Seth recently admitted that he won’t be a great Golden Globes host if the event organisers are seeking a "celebration".
Looking forward to the event, Seth explained: "I don’t get the conga line started.
"I’m not a great choice if the goal of the evening is just a celebration. But if we’re going to talk about what’s been going on lately, then I can bring something to the table."
Seth revealed he won’t be avoiding the Hollywood sex scandal, which dominated news headlines during the second half of 2017.
He shared: "It’s an issue you have to address, and it’s pretty delicate.
"When you’re dealing with something that has affected so many people in a negative way, you just want to make sure you can talk about it in a way that doesn’t magnify the negative element of it."