
Serge Pizzorno researching ancestry

Serge Pizzorno has been inspired to start researching his ancestry after seeing Danny Dyer on ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’
Kasabian’s guitarist and songwriter is on a mission to find out if he is also related to a member of the royal family after seeing that the ‘EastEnders’ star’s ancestors are William the Conqueror and Edward III and Thomas Cromwell on the BBC TV show, but fears his will be crooks and criminals.
The 36-year-old rocker told The Sun newspaper: "I watched Danny’s episode and I was buzzing.
"I think everyone deep down must have some royal connections.
"The reality is, it’s probably a load of criminals and wrong-uns.
But I’ve got Italian family so I’m delving in there, who knows what I’m going to learn."
Meanwhile, the ‘Fire’ hitmaker says the group – also comprised of Tom Meighan, Chris Edwards and Ian Matthews – worked best recording their new album by sticking to "office hours" for once, and found the sessions much more productive, meaning Serge has had plenty of time to look into his family’s history.
On recording their hotly-anticipated follow-up to 2014’s ’48:13′, he previously said: "I changed the way I worked this time because I usually keep horrendous hours. I tried giving myself office hours.
"It’s amazing what you get done when you’ve got to be finished – ‘It’s got to be done because it’s f***ing home time, mate.’
"Usually at half four, you’d have a spliff and watch films for seven hours and then you’d put some guitar on a track at three in the morning, but this time I was like, ‘S**t, it’s half four I’ve got an hour and a half left. That bass needs to go on.’ "