
Scarlett Moffatt to get new teeth next month

Scarlett Moffatt will "finally" get a new pair of teeth next month.
The ‘I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!’ winner has been battling with confidence issues since she was 11 years old after her gnashers turned black when she was knocked off her bike by a car but she was on the verge of tears yesterday (14.09.17) when she paid a visit to the dentist to take measurements for her permanent veneers.
Taking to her Snapchat account, she said as she stretched her mouth open on camera: "I’m gonna cry finally in a month after 11 years after my accident I’ll have new teeth."
For the past 15 years, the 26-year-old beauty has had temporary teeth caps to make her smile appear more aesthetically pleasing but she’s thrilled they’ll be permanent.
Scarlett – who was also diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy around the same time – previously admitted her broken teeth made her a target for bullies at school.
She said: "I was on my bike when I was 11 and a car hit me. The nerves had gone, so I had black teeth at the front. So I had black teeth as well as a monobrow, and I was a little bit chubby, and then half my face was on the slide."
But she managed to overcome her securities when she moved schools and it made her realise that she didn’t need to change for anyone but herself.
She explained: "I knew I had to make friends. Once I moved school and puberty hit over the six-weeks holiday, all of a sudden I got boobs, my mam let me wax my eyebrows and I went and got my hair done. I just had this new-found confidence.
"Being bullied made me realise that people will like you or not like you anyway, so you might as well be yourself and say exactly what you think."