
Sarah Harding: Madonna needs to ‘calm down’

Sarah Harding thinks Madonna needs to "calm down".
The 34-year-old singer – who is known for being one fifth of the girl band Girls Aloud – has admitted she grew up listening to the ‘Like a Virgin’ hitmaker when she was younger but prefers to listen to Lady Gaga’s music instead because she is more current among fans, although she believes the ‘Bad Romance’ singer modelled herself on Madonna.
Speaking about her preferred artist, the blonde beauty told the Gay Times magazine: "I love Gaga! I grew up with Madonna, but I do think she needs to calm down a bit. I think she’s amazing, but Gaga is now. Gaga tried too hard to be like Madonna when she first started, but Gaga is the best when she’s just being Gaga."
And the ‘Bad Day’ actress has revealed despite being labelled "lairy" and "hard faced" she is "quite settled" and calm when she is on her own.
She said: "They don’t know me well enough. Like, I know I’m quite lairy on the outside, but I’m quite settled behind closed doors. People say I’ve got quite a hard face because of the way I’ve posed in pictures over the years. Those pouty years. I’ve got resting bitch face. I can’t help that I’ve got it, but I’m actually quite smiley and chatty."
Meanwhile Sarah – who released her debut solo album in 2012 – has admitted she would love to work with Britney Spears and write a song similar to the American musicians 2003 hit ‘Toxic’ if they were to join forces in the future.
Speaking about her dream to partner with the mother of two – who has sons Sean, 10, and Jayden, nine, with her ex husband Kevin – said : "Possibly. I’d have to think of something, as she’s already done a lot of things. Something uptempo. Something happy and quirky like ‘Toxic’. Something like that, I think."