
Sam Smith had ‘breakdown’

Sam Smith had a "breakdown" after the 2015 Grammy Awards.
The ‘Too Good At Goodbyes’ hitmaker – who will perform at the annual music awards ceremony in New York later this month – "really struggled" with being away from his family and friends, and things took a turn for the worse after he was forced to cancel a number of concerts due to a haemorrhage on his vocal cords.
But the 25-year-old singer was "fine" again once he returned to the UK and was surrounded by his loved ones again.
Speaking on Australian TV show ‘Sunrise’, Sam – who scooped four awards at the Grammys three years ago – admitted: "I really struggled, after the Grammys I had a weird time where it really affected me in a bad way.
"It just made me feel alienated to everyone. I had not seen my family for three months at one stage and I really struggled and that is when I lost my voice.
"I was here in Australia when I lost my voice. Had a bit of a breakdown but I got home and as long as my family are OK and I have a home with them, then I’m fine."
Meanwhile, Sam is currently dating actor Brandon Flynn and recently admitted he is feeling "really happy and positive" about their relationship.
He said: "Real love is never ever a waste of time. I feel really happy and positive in my love life right now."
The ‘Stay With Me’ singer is known for his heartbreak tracks but he’s admitted his new next collection of songs will be "happy love songs" because he’s so loved up right now.
He said recently: "It’s exciting seeing people walking the streets and fighting for what they believe in. It’s nice to see people protesting – that excites me. On a personal level, I’m in a relationship right now and for the first time, I think I deserve to be happy. I’m actually asking myself if I’m going to be writing some happy love songs soon."