
Ryan Seacrest gets stuck in a lift

Ryan Seacrest got stuck in a lift in Times Square.
The 42-year-old television and radio personality had to be rescued by firefighters after he got trapped in an elevator as he headed to an interview with ‘Good Morning America’, TMZ reports.
However, he was in great spirits and shared a number of pictures and videos of the ordeal on his Twitter account.
It comes after Ryan revealed he struggled to plan a bachelorette party for his sister Meredith.
He said: "I was the lead bridesmaid. I called my sister and said, ‘What does it mean Man of Honour?’ and she said, ‘Well you’ve got to do everything a Maid of Honour would do.’ I said, ‘A bachelorette party?’ She said, ‘Yeah.’ I said, ‘Okay.’
"Oh yeah, I had to take 17 women to Napa. The challenge – you’ll appreciate this because you have only girls in your house – the challenge was keeping them on schedule because there were limited bathrooms for 17 women. They did a pretty good job but that was the biggest hurdle was telling them what time they had to be ready and what time reality was."
And Ryan also admitted it was "emotional" when his younger sister asked him to be the equivalent of a Maid of Honour in October last year.
Speaking about the poem she gave asking him to accept his role, he shared: "[She said], ‘You’ve been by my side all of my life, and I wouldn’t want you anywhere else, when I become a wife. I’m so lucky to have you as my brother, and couldn’t imagine celebrating with any other. So basically what I’m trying to say … Will you be my Man of Honour on my special day?!’ It was really really cool, so emotional but so proud of my little sister."