
Russell T. Davies wants to create Doctor Who film

Russell T. Davies wants to write a ‘Doctor Who’ movie.

The 51-year-old scriptwriter was responsible for reviving the sci-fi show in 2005 but stepped down as executive producer in 2010, handing control to Steven Moffat.

Although he has refused multiple requests by Steven to write a new TV episode, Russell thinks a spin-off film would be "glorious" and he would love to be involved if it happened.

Asked if he thinks there should be a ‘Doctor Who’ movie, he said: "Yes, I think it should be in cinemas immediately, it would be glorious. Imagine queuing up for the cinema for a ‘Doctor Who’ film, I would be there with a sleeping bag.

"Would I write it? Yes please, if we could get the lawyers and the contracts. I would do that because I think there’s a big leap to be made."

Russell expects his movie comments will probably spark widespread panic with ‘Doctor Who’ bosses.

In an interview with Graham Norton on his BBC Radio 2 show, he added: "I can hear the ‘Doctor Who’ office with their heads in their hands going, ‘Shut up Davies!’ I just realised where I am, broadcasting to the nation, they’ll kill me for that."

The ‘Cucumber’ creator recently revealed he still watches the programme "absolutely religiously" and thinks Peter Capaldi is "glorious" in the role of the Doctor, but he is too busy with his own new projects to return in any capacity.

Quizzed on whether he’d ever write another episode, he said: "Wouldn’t that be nice? The lovely Steven invites me every year to come and write one. And I love him and I love them and I love watching it, but here I am, moving on. I love ‘Doctor Who’ with all my heart but nothing is more important to me than my own stuff."