
Rose McGowan was ‘offered $1m’ to stay quiet about Harvey Weinstein

Rose McGowan claims she was offered $1 million to keep her mouth shut about Harvey Weinstein.
The ‘Charmed’ actress – who has alleged that the 65-year-old producer raped her – says she was offered the hefty amount by someone close to the filmmaker and whilst she initially upped it to $6 million as a counter offer, she decided to retract that offer after all.
She told the New York Times newspaper: "I had all these people I’m paying telling me to take it so that I could fund my art. I figured I could probably have gotten him up to three. But I was like – ew, gross, you’re disgusting, I don’t want your money, that would make me feel disgusting."
It comes after Rose admitted she has found it difficult to watch news coverage of the Harvey Weinstein scandal as she finds it very "triggering".
She said: "The triggering has been insane. The monster’s face has been everywhere, my nightmare … I have been silenced for 20 years. I have been slut-shamed. I have been harassed. I have been maligned and you know what? I’m just like you. What happened to me behind the scenes happens to all of us in society and it cannot stand and it will not stand … No more will we be hurt. It’s time to rise. It’s time to be brave.
"No more. Name it. Shame it. Call it out. It’s time to clean house! It’s time to be brave. In the face of unspeakable actions, from one monster we look away to another. The head monster of all right now. And they are the same. And they must die."
Since the news became public, Weinstein – who has denied all allegations of non-consensual sex made against him – has been fired from The Weinstein Company and his wife, Georgina Chapman, has left him. He has had his membership of the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences revoked and he may also lose his membership of the Producers Guild of America.