
Robert Downey Jr invited for Jacuzzi session with Chris Evans

Robert Downey Jr. was invited to share a Jacuzzi with Chris Evans when they first met.

The ‘Iron Man’ actor claims his ‘Avengers’ co-star asked him and wife Susan Levin back to his home to share a hot tub with the "hot girl" he was dating.

Downey told Variety: "I have a vague memory of seeing him and whatever hot girl he was dating across from a dinner with me and Susan. I think he and his girlfriend invited Susan and I back to their house to get in the Jacuzzi, to tell you the truth."

The 48-year-old actor admits he isn’t too sure on the exact details of the evening, but he insists Chris’ invitation was politely declined.

He joked: "[Did we join them?] No, we did not, and by the way, like I said, that’s a vague memory, but that’s what I’d like for you to print."

The pair remain good friends and Downey – who has 20-year-old son Indio from his first marriage to Deborah Falconer and two-year-old Exton with Susan – claims to be such a big fan of Chris’ lead role in the ‘Captain America’ franchise, he is going to host a special screening for the upcoming sequel ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ as part of his birthday celebrations.

He said: "I’m not kidding. I’m having 50 kids over and I’m screening ‘Captain America 2’ on my birthday, which happens to be the day it opens. I haven’t seen it. That’s one of the perks of being on the inside track at Marvel. I hope it’s not watermarked too heavily."