
Rebekah Vardy’s ex-husband wants her to go through ‘hell’ on I’m A Celeb

Rebekah Vardy’s ex-husband wants her to "go through hell" on ‘I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!’.
Mark Godden is hoping his former flame – who is now married to footballer Jamie Vardy – stays in the competition for as long as possible but, not because he wants her to win, purely because he is enjoying seeing her suffer – and he’s even getting his family and friends to vote for her to do Bushtucker Trials.
Speaking to the Daily Mirror newspaper, Mark said: "I’m an avid fan and this year it’s even better because my ex is on it.
"While I don’t want to see her win, although she’d love to, I want her to go through hell. We are all voting for her to get to the trials because we want her to suffer. We all want her to scream a bit."
The 38-year-old electronics professional still holds a grudge against Rebekah – who he divorced in 2003 – after she allegedly cheated on him with a jet ski instructor – allegations she has vehemently denied.
However, although he’s enjoying seeing her squirm on screen, Mark doesn’t understand why she’s even on the show as "she’s not a celebrity, she just happens to be married to an England footballer".
He added: "I’ve had no contact since our divorce but you can’t help hearing about her."
Rebekah’s representatives said: "Perhaps his memory of the marriage isn’t entirely clear as many of his claims aren’t accurate. There was no infidelity whilst she was married to Mark and once they agreed to separate, she went on to live her own life, as did Mark.
"She was a very damaged teenager when she met Mark. He proposed when she was still a teenager and she agreed because she felt like it was the right thing to do as he and his family had been so good to her. She quickly realised she shouldn’t have married him and they agreed to separate. It was kinder to separate than to stay in a loveless marriage, no one can blame a teenage girl for that.
"Becky would continue to wish Mr Godden all the best with his life."
Meanwhile, Mark isn’t the only one who has been voting for Rebekah to do the gruesome trials as her husband Jamie – with whom she has 10-month-old son Finlay and two-year-old daughter Sofia – has also been putting her forward because he wanted to see how "fearless" she was.
He wrote on Twitter: "Bex’s face when she finds out that I voted for her 5 times on the app to do the eating trial.. Sorry babe just wanted everyone to see that you’re fearless & you proved me right. (sic)"