
Queen Elizabeth attends VE Day service

Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II attended a VE Day thanksgiving service on Sunday (10.05.15).

The 89-year-old monarch was joined by her husband Prince Philip and her three sons, Princes Charles, Andrew and Edward for the Westminster Abbey ceremony, dedicated to those who brought peace to Europe during World War II.

During the service – which was led by the Dean of Westminster, the Very Rev Dr John Hall – the victory speech delivered by the Queen’s father, King George VI was re-read by actor Simon Russell Beale, with one passage remembering "the years of darkness and danger in which the children of our country have grown up".

Elsewhere, Dr John Hall thanked "the valour and bravery of the sailors, soldiers, airmen and civilians who gave all they had" and urged attendees to continue to pray for "lasting peace and prosperity throughout Europe" to ensure such a war never happens again.

Similar wishes were echoed by Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, while the Queen – who was wearing a navy blue hat and coat over a floral dress – also listened to prayers recited by young cadets.

The 70th anniversary service was also attended by approximately 1000 veterans and their families, as well as British Prime Minister David Cameron – who gave a reading – and his wife Samantha.