
Princess Anne opens new energy facility in Shrewsbury

Princess Anne officially opened the Battlefield Energy Recovery Facility in Shrewsbury on Tuesday (10.01.17).
The 66-year-old royal paid a special visit to the site, which uses recycling to make heat and power, and took a genuine interest in the innovative methods used to create energy.
She said: "It is always a pleasure to see energy units like this being built but also how important it is the county and the local community understand the advantages of working together to get a really good result.
"I know it has been open for a little while but it underlines the real advantages because you have had time to notice them and that is very good to hear."
Princess Anne also said she hopes that the plant in Shrewsbury will encourage others to follow suit.
She told the Shropshire Star newspaper: "I hope you will be able to have the opportunity to encourage others to follow in your footsteps.
"Many congratulations to everybody because it has very much been a joint operation and that will stand you in good stead for the future."
Local Councillor Mal Price initially disapproved of plans to build the facility, but has now admitted the decision has been vindicated.
He also observed that the royal was noticeably interested and well read on the energy issue.
He explained: "I think it shows she was aware of the background and what had gone on and the recycling figures we have now got.
"We have landfill at less than four per cent. I think she recognised we have an excellent facility here which is powering 10,000 properties locally.
"She seemed to be very knowledgeable about the issue."