
Prince George makes first royal engagement

Britain’s Prince George played with "more babies" than he ever had during his first public engagement.

The eight-month-old tot joined his parents Duchess Catherine and Prince William at a coffee afternoon in New Zealand’s Government House today (09.04.14), where he mingled with 10 local children around his age and appeared to have a lot of fun.

Grant Collins, 38, who was joined at the event by partner Magda Gurbowicz, 35, and their son Lucas, said: "We spoke to the Duchess about group play – George had never played with so many babies before.

"She said it was the most amount of babies they’d ever had in a room with George. He does see other babies, but not many in a group like this."

The royal prince happily crawled around the room and even snatched a doll from another baby before throwing it to the floor.

Grant added: "George is bubbly, quite feisty and he took control. He crawled to the centre of the room and he owned the place.

"He honed in on certain toys and took the ones that he wanted, no-one was going to stand in his way!"

George’s parents were happy to share stories of first time parenting with the other adults in the group.

Sheila and Soani Lemalie met the couple with baby TagiiLima, who is known as TJ and the tot’s mother found the pair to be very "charming".

Sheila said: "It was a very special time.

"We had a chance to cuddle George – he is very strong and very advanced.

"We talked to the duke and duchess about parenting – and to the duchess about her role as both a mother and a royal.

"She said she was lucky to have help with George from her family and her friends.

"She is very down-to-earth and charming – they both are.

"Prince William said he supported his wife by giving George his bottle at night and putting him to bed."