
Prince Edward surprised with birthday cake

Britain’s Prince Edward was surprised with a cake to mark his 50th birthday today (10.03.14).

Schoolchildren at Robert Browning Community School in Walworth, south east London, helped the prince – Queen Elizabeth’s youngest child – celebrate his momentous birthday with a lavish five-tier cake during a visit to the school earlier today.

Edward and his wife Sophie, Countess of Wessex, visited the establishment on behalf of their Wessex Youth Trust charity and were overwhelmed as they were greeted by throngs of smiling youngsters, who waved flags representing numerous countries upon their arrival.

One enthusiastic tot had the honour of presenting the prince with a handmade card for his 50th birthday, which had the number ’50’ emblazoned on the front along with a beaming yellow sun.

Upon entering the school, the children sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to Prince Edward and he was then presented with the sumptuous white cake.

The bottom tier of the five-tiered treat was adorned in words such as ‘discover’, ‘love’ and ‘learn’, while the second-to-bottom tier was decorated with silhouettes of children dancing, reading and performing ballet.

Edward is celebrating his birthday with a slew of royal engagements. Following the school visit, he and Sophie made their way to London’s Air Ambulance, and later, they will join his mother at Westminster Abbey for the Commonwealth Observance Service.