
Prince Charles pays tribute to The Pub is the Hub

Prince Charles has paid tribute to a pub in Wales.
The 67-year-old royal raised a toast for The Pub is the Hub initiative, which has supported The New Inn for several years and has helped to keep other local run public houses running.
Speaking at the 12th annual summer visit in Wales, which has since been reported by the Cambrian News, Wilia – who founded the organisation in 2001 – said: "It’s been an honour to have been involved with The Pub is the Hub initiative for the past 15 years. John Longden (chief executive) and his team are trying to staunch the haemorrhage of so many rural¬ pub closures right across the country.
"The village local forms such a traditional part of rural¬ life, particularly with the loss of so village shops and other services that we are now seeing.
"It is wonderful that pubs such as The New Inn have kept going while offering these extra community services and I’m thrilled that so many others seem to want to join up with this scheme.
"It’s so important to have that personal contact to maintain the sort of community spirit which is so strong here in Wales."
Charles’ speech touched landlady Yvonne Edwards who had a tear in her eye.
Charles continued on with his visit and shook hands with residents in the Llanddewi Brefi area, as well as members from local activity groups including the Young Farmers, the darts and arts teams who flocked to meet the Prince of Wales.
Meanwhile, Queen Elizabeth and her royal party enjoyed a pub lunch, which saw guests dine on lamb rump and a pan fried seabass fillet at the Sheep Heid Inn in Edinburgh, which tallied up to a food bill costing £51.50.