
Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla visit Tiong Bahru

Prince Charles and Duchess Camilla took in the sights of Tiong Bahru as they continued their four-day tour of Singapore.
After meeting President Halimah Yacob on Tuesday (31.10.17), the royal couple visited the locals on Wednesday (01.11.17) who had stalls at Tiong Bahru Market. Resident Pishon Toh was honoured that the royals visited his and his mother’s flower stall.
Pishon said: "It’s really my honour to meet them. Everyone wanted to shake their hands and stand beside them, but they couldn’t. But out of all the stalls in the market, they chose to come to ours. We thought it would be peaceful, like a normal MP visit. But it was so crowded, especially with all the security. There was really no space to walk!"
Crowds gathered as the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall made their appearance at the market, which had been given a little facelift as they prepared for the arrival of the royals.
Tricia Lim, who owns Whisk cafe across the road from the market, added: "We know the people at the market, and yesterday evening we saw them scrubbing the floors, which was kind of odd, so I asked them what was happening. I grew up in London and I never got to see them, so I just had to go. They came right in front of me, and I got some really good photos."
Following their time at the market, Duchess Camilla headed to the Tiong Bahru Community Centre, where she watched a Chinese ink painting class take place before joining in on the fun and then heading to a cooking class, where she was taught how to make popular local dish popiah.
Teacher Jolyn Wong shared to Channel News Asia: "The Duchess was really friendly, warm and had no airs. We had heard that she wanted to do some hands-on activities, so I let her try to make the popiah. I was impressed with her skill."