
Pete Doherty’s Vanessa Paradis inspiration

Pete Doherty’s new single was inspired by an alleged Vanessa Paradis sighting.
The 40-year-old Libertines and Babyshambles star has new song ‘Paradise Is Under Your Nose’ with his latest band fellow The Puta Madres and he claims the inspiration came from French actress Vanessa.
He told NME: "When I was writing the line that I wrote, we were in Amsterdam and Vanessa Paradis came past my hotel window – or someone that looked very much like Vanessa Paradis. So my line is ‘glaciers, polar bears and fountains’."
However, his bandmate Jack ‘Trampolene’ Jones claims the inspiration for the song actually came from some grafitti he spotted on a toilet wall.
He said: "I had a bad stomach one day in a cubicle one day and I just saw ‘Paradise Is Under Your Nose’ graffitied on the wall, which is nowhere near as cool as seeing Vanessa Paradis – but that’s the truth."
Meanwhile, Pete recently admitted that he thinks a Babyshambles reunion would be too complicated to pull off.
The band hasn’t been active in five years after some festival shows supporting their third album ‘Sequel To The Prequel’ and while there have been offers to return it would logistically be tough.
Pete explained: "Babyshambles were offered some money to have a comeback. Good band, they were – amazing tunes. [But] no, I don’t think so.
"There’s money involved, f***ing hell. It doesn’t matter how much you love the songs. You can be like, ‘Oh are you going to get Babyshambles back together, Pete?’ But then who’s going to manage Babyshambles? There are all these managerial f***eries with Babyshambles."
He also admitted there would be issues with figuring out who should be part of a reunited lineup, as he pointed to the difficult task of fitting original guitarist Pat Walden into the mix.
The group was formed in 2003 with Pete and Pat joined by Drew McConnell on bass and Gemma Clarke on drums, and when the group reunited in 2014, Adam Ficek was behind the kit with Mick Whitnall on guitar duties.
He added: "Who are [Babyshambles] anyway? Who’s going to play guitar? It’s gotta be [Mick ], but does Pat want to? Last time we tried to get Pat back, but should we get Mick and Pat?
"If you’re gonna do Babyshambles you’ve got to play ‘Pipedown’, but then you’ve got to play ‘F**k Forever’, and you can’t not play ‘I Wish.’ "