
Pearl Mackie is The Doctor’s new companion in Doctor Who

Pearl Mackie will play The Doctor’s new companion in ‘Doctor Who’.
The London-born actress will replaced Jenna Coleman as the new assistant to the Time Lord – played by Peter Capaldi – and the news broke during the FA Cup semi-final match between Everton v Manchester United today (23.04.16).
Pearl – who previously starred in the medical drama ‘Doctors’ – steps into the shoes of Clara Oswald in the next series following Jenna Coleman’s shocking exit last year, and said she is "incredibly excited" ahead of her new role and thrilled to get to work with Peter.
She shared said: "I’m incredibly excited to be joining the Doctor Who family. It’s such an extraordinary British institution, I couldn’t be prouder to call the TARDIS my home!
"Peter Capaldi is such a brilliant actor, and his Doctor is such a wacky and wonderful character, I can’t wait to see what adventures are in store for him and Bill throughout time and space. Reading the script at the audition I thought Bill was wicked. Fantastically written, cool, strong, sharp, a little bit vulnerable with a bit of geekiness thrown in – I can’t wait to bring her to life, and to see how she develops through the series.
"I always loved stage combat at drama school so I can’t wait to get on set and kick some evil monsters into the next dimension!
And Peter praised his new co-star, who he says will be a "refreshing addition to the TARDIS".
He said: "It is a genuine delight to welcome Pearl Mackie to Doctor Who. A fine, fine actress with a wonderful zest and charm, she’s a refreshing addition to the TARDIS and will bring a universe of exciting new possibilities to The Doctor’s adventures."
Meanwhile, the programme is set for a huge shake-up next year when current producer Steven Moffat hands over the production reins to the new show runner Chris Chibnall.
However, Steven welcomed Pearl to the show and can’t wait to begin the "new voyage" with her on board.
He added: "A new face in the TARDIS, a new voyage about to begin: welcome aboard the amazing Pearl Mackie! This is where the story really starts."
‘Doctor Who’ will return later this year with a Christmas Special and the new series will start on BBC One in 2017.