
Noel Gallagher ready to work with Damon Albarn on Gorillaz album

Noel Gallagher is keen to work with Damon Albarn on the new Gorillaz album.
The 48-year-old former Oasis rocker and his one-time Britpop chart rival Damon – the lead singer of Blur – have become friends in recent years and following a couple of live performances together they are now discussing collaborating on the group’s comeback LP.
Noel shared: "He’s making a new Gorillaz album and he’s got my number, so he’s only got to ask. There is talk of doing something but I’m not sure what it is."
Noel and Damon performed Gorillaz track ‘DARE’ at Paul Simonon’s 60th birthday celebration in December in London as part of a super-group that also included the Clash bassist and Chrissie Hynde.
Noel thinks the only thing that can stop he and Damon, 48, from getting in the studio is a clash in schedules.
Noel is quoted by the Daily Star newspaper as saying: "You can bet your life the minute I finish this tour he’ll go out on his.
"I mean trying to get the two of us in the same room would be a f***ing miracle. But I’m certainly open to the idea, for sure."
In addition to Damon, Noel revealed there are a number of other artists he would love to work with.
He said: "I’d love to write a song for Morrissey. That would be fantastic and f***ing beautiful. I’d also love to sing a song with Johnny Marr. That’d be great."