
Nicole Scherzinger promises to strip naked on The X Factor

Nicole Scherzinger has promised ‘The X Factor’ bosses that she’ll strip naked if they make sure she gets the best property and location for the Judges’ Houses round.
The 39-year-old singer – who isn’t afraid to flash the flesh with her skimpy attires – is planning to bribe the producers of the series by assuring them she’ll whip off her clothes and whiz in on a jet ski if they give her the biggest and most lavish abode.
Speaking at the launch of the upcoming 14th season of the ITV show, the former Pussycat Dolls beauty said: "I’ll come in naked on a jet ski. Louis [Walsh], are you going to come in naked on a jet ski? Cause I’m going. The only conflict is if he has a better judges’ homes and whatever he has I want that one."
The new series of the singing show will kick off this weekend and Nicole’s co-judge Louis Walsh has promised this year’s instalment will be better than ever.
He explained: "I think we’ve got better talent this year than for many years, actually. It’s so much better than last year – I think there’s talent in every category. There are some great personalities. We’ve found more talented people with more originality."
"I’m in it to win it this year! I’ve got an edge to me. I’m looking forward to winning! I’ve got a really good category, I’ve picked some really good people.
"It’s going to be a different Louis this year. I’ve got great talent and I’m going to get the best out of them. I’m going to show them. Nicole is not going to win this year, she can go back to America! Listen, this is my year."
Louis and Nicole will be joined by Sharon Osbourne and Simon Cowell on the judging panel when the auditions kick off at 8pm on Saturday (02.09.17) on ITV.