
Nicole Scherzinger labels Alan Carr ‘dumb’ and ‘stupid’

Nicole Scherzinger has called TV chat show host Alan Carr "stupid" and "dumb".

The 36-year-old singer – who thought she was off mic – was heard making the remarks during the ‘Stand Up for Cancer’ live telethon on Chanel 4.

As the popular host auctioned off items on the show, Nicole – who has previously appeared as a judge on ‘The X Factor’ – was overheard saying: "He is so stupid."

She later said: "He is so dumb."

Among the items Carr was auctioning off was a cushion once sat on by Hollywood star Channing Tatum, as well as reality TV star Kim Kardashian West’s giant thong.

However, a spokesperson for the ‘Don’t Hold Your Breath’ singer has since tried to downplay the incident, insisting Nicole was merely using "urban slang" and her remarks were not intended in an offensive way.

He told Mirror Online: "It’s urban slang for when something is funny."

The spokesperson added: "Nicole was laughing when she said it and did not say it in offensive way. She is a big fan of Alan and was catching up with him after the show backstage."