
Nicola McLean ‘can’t see’ out of her eye

Nicola McLean "can barely see" out of her right eye.
The 35-year-old former glamour model was captured covering the visual organ during her stint on ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ earlier this year, and although the star has admitted she has "always" had problems with her eyesight, the rapid development of an "adult squint" over the past few months has left her worried about her health.
Speaking to The Sun Online, the blonde beauty – who had a squint in the other eye rectified as a child – said: "I have always had bad eyesight in my left eye but my right eye has always been fine and then about two months before ‘Big Brother’ I noticed my eyesight changing. Now I can barely see out of this eye, I’m talking barely see, I’ve got a contact in it now. Basically what’s happened is, this right eye, I can’t see out of but it’s also developed an adult squint, which is so rare. That’s why I was so paranoid about it, as what would happen is, I would take the contact lens out, get in bed, then all the arguments would kick off so I’d have to cover my eye.
"I can’t focus with it, so it wanders, without glasses or a contact it just wanders everywhere because I can’t see out of it."
Although Nicola’s problem can be resolved, she still won’t be able to see out of one eye and she is very "concerned" because it is a "rare" to develop the condition later in life.
The television personality – who has sons Rocky and Striker with her husband Tom Williams – said: "The muscles at the back need to be tightened and that will rectify it being straight, but I still won’t be able to see out of it.
"So we need to work out why the vision’s gone from being OK to so bad.
"I’m OK because with a contact or my glasses it’s fine, mine’s not a lazy eye it’s a proper squint, so if I took my contact lens out now it would just wander.
"It can be corrected but it’s very, very rare to get an adult squint so that’s what it was, I didn’t want to be on telly with an eye wandering so I’d cover it.
"If I don’t cover the right one I can’t see out of the left one, because when the right one shuts down the left one does, so I needed to cover the right to be able to see.
"It is quite bad but I’ll be able to get it sorted.
"The prescription to go from good to as bad as it is is not normal. It’s quite concerning."