
Nicholas Lyndhurst to reprise role in Goodnight Sweetheart

‘Goodnight Sweetheart’ will return to the BBC for a one-off episode.
Nicholas Lyndhurst is set to reprise his role as time traveller Gary Sparrow as the 90s British sitcom is revived for one night only to mark the BBC’s landmark sitcom season.
Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran, creators and writers of ‘Goodnight Sweetheart’ said: "Gary has been trying for the last 17 years to find a way back to the present.
"Now he’s found one, and he’s asked us to turn it into a TV show, featuring much-loved old Goodnight Sweetheart friends and one or two new ones."
Whilst Jon Rolph, executive producer of the show, added: "I’ve long been keen to catch up with the life and various times of Gary Sparrow, so it’s an absolute delight to see ‘Goodnight Sweetheart’ take its place in the landmark sitcom season."
The brand new episode of ‘Goodnight Sweetheart’ will bring Gary into the 21st century, where he will travel to somewhere he’s never been before.
Shane Allen, controller of BBC Comedy Commissioning, shared: "The whole sitcom season is geared towards giving comedy royalty their due recognition, and in ‘Goodnight Sweetheart’ we have heavy-weight writing and performing talents reunited in this hugely popular and fondly-remembered show. The conceptual update is sublime and it was heart-skipping stuff to read – it’s an absolute belter."