
Miranda Hart looking for love

Miranda Hart is looking for "Mr Right".

The 47-year-old comedian is on the lookout for love after her beloved character in the sitcom ‘Miranda’ wed her longtime pal Gary – played by Tom Ellis – on New Year’s Day in 2015.

She told HELLO! magazine: "Mr Right, or the future Mr Hart, hasn’t occurred in my life yet.

"But it would be lovely to find my partner in crime."

Miranda hasn’t had a relationship in the public eye during her 20-year career, and decided she would be single until she found someone who ticks all of her boxes.

She previously said: "I found myself realising that it’s better to be single than to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t give kind, loving and trusting approval."

However, she has still found ways to entice potential suitors after she "accidentally flashed a delivery guy" and interrupted a neighbour’s video call while wearing nothing but a towel.

But she has found the majority of lockdown peaceful as she quipped: "I think I’ll come out of this as a zen monk."

In terms of her show, Miranda fears she may not be able to find the "right story" if she were to write more.

She recently said: "I love those characters and I really miss playing her. There is always a desire to do more. It’s just sort of that fear of, do I have the right story? Where are they at?

"I would love to see Miranda and Gary where they’re at, in their married life. I really don’t know. As the writer and performer, my answer is: I don’t know. I don’t know what to do. It’s lovely that people want it."

But since she has been locked inside due to the global health crisis, she realises she has no excuses but to write another chapter in the story.

She quipped: "There is little excuse right now. I’m very busy! I’m out and about all the time! No excuse, I’m very busy."