
Michael Sheen’s UFO sighting

Michael Sheen claims he saw a UFO in Wales.
The 50-year-old actor grew up in Port Talbot – which has a population of around 37,000 and is situated seven miles east of Swansea – and believes the town is a "stop off" for aliens as so many people in the town claim to have had extraterrestrial encounters.
Speaking on Richard Herring’s Leicester Square Theatre podcast, he said: "I think Port Talbot, where I come from, is on some weird alien map. It’s like some sort of stop off, it’s like a lay-by. It’s like the Little Chef of the Galaxy.
"The lady who lived next door – who was a very respectable lady and someone who wouldn’t make up stories – told us that one morning she was in the kitchen which overlooked the back garden.
"She said she was standing there making a coffee and a flying saucer came down and hovered over her back garden and then went.
"Of course, you think that’s nonsense but she was a very serious lady.
"One day I was coming home from school. I got off the school bus and I was walking up my street.
"I was just about to turn up the path to my house and coming round the mountain was a formation of lights.
"I stood there looking at it thinking, ‘This is going to be some sort of weird reflection’.
"There was a formation of some things coming round and going out across the sea then disappearing."
More recently, the ‘Good Omens’ star’s father also saw a mysterious object in the sky.
Michael continued: "And then years later on New Year’s Eve – not that long ago, about five years ago – my dad, who had not had a drink that night, went up to bed.
"He said he saw a light in the sky. My dad is a character but is not someone who would make this up.
"He said he saw a thing in the sky with lights going around it – it was there for ages then it shot off.
"I think Port Talbot is some kind of hub."