
MIA says upcoming album will be her last

MIA has confirmed her upcoming album ‘AIM’ will be her last solo record.
The rapper announced the move during Annie Mac’s BBC Radio 1 show, on which she debuted her new song, ‘Go Off’.
Asked if ‘AIM’ would definitely be her last album, she said: "Yeah, I think so. I wanna go and do some other stuff and take some time out."
However, MIA didn’t entirely shut the door on future music projects.
She said: "I’m sure I’ll put music out and make music, but as an album, this just came together after [November 2015 single] Borders and it just seemed like it wrote itself very quickly. I had to just go with it."
Meanwhile, it has been confirmed MIA will no longer be headlining London’s Afropunk festival following comments she made about the Black Lives Matter campaign.
She said in April: "It’s interesting that in America the problem you’re allowed to talk about is Black Lives Matter … Is Beyoncé or Kendrick Lamar going to say Muslim Lives Matter? Or Syrian Lives Matter? Or this kid in Pakistan matters? That’s a more interesting question."
In response, the festival explained: "AFROPUNK has always stood side by side with the thousands of people globally who are involved with our events each year, from the fans attending an AFROPUNK showcase for the first time, to the headline artists playing for capacity crowds on our main festival stages.
"A key part of the AFROPUNK ethos has always been educating one another, breaking down boundaries and sparking conversation about race, gender, religion, sex, culture and everything that makes life worth living."
The organisers added: "We are excited and honored to do our first AFROPUNK Festival in London and want to do it right. After discussing the situation with the artist and the community, a decision was agreed upon by all involved that M.I.A will no longer headline AFROPUNK London. (sic)"