
Meghan Trainor cancels more shows

Meghan Trainor has cancelled two more shows in Detroit and Chicago because of a hemorrhage on her vocal cords.

The 21-year-old singer – who rose to international prominence last year with the hit single ‘All About That Bass’ – was forced to announce the cancellation of a string of shows last week and while two more dates have been added to the list, Meghan has insisted she’s making a good recovery.

Writing on Instagram, she said: "I have bad news, my doctor says I have to postpone two more dates, Detroit & Chicago and sadly I have to cancel my appearance at the Common Ground Music Festival. But there is good news!! I’m feeling much better, have already rescheduled most dates and will come back around to see you all soon!! (sic)"

Meghan also thanked her doctor for treating the hemorrhage on her vocal cords.

She wrote: "Thank you Dr. Kessler for seeing me immediately and being so helpful and thank you guys for all the edits/get well posts you made. You made me feel a lot better about this crappy situation. I love you all so much!! (sic)"