
Megan McKenna was ‘in and out of hospital’ before US

Megan McKenna was "in and out of hospital" before she jetted out to the US for her music documentary.
The ‘Only Way is Essex’ star flew out to Nashville, Tennessee, over the summer months to film her three-part series ‘There’s Something About Megan’ as she attempted to carve out a country music career, but she has admitted the weeks leading up to her trip were stressful because she was rushed into hospital.
Speaking to The Sun Online, the 24-year-old beauty said: "I was so ill with my belly before I went to Nashville and I was in and out of the hospital and no one knew what was wrong with me, so yes I was thin as I was unwell. People need to realise I’m always going to have problems with this and not troll me."
Megan has suffered with Coeliac Disease – a common life-long digestive condition where the small intestine becomes inflamed and unable to absorb nutrients – for the majority of her life and has now just found out that she’s also battling with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).
The combination of the two stomach conditions has led to her losing a lot of weight, so she was understandable heartbroken when people started calling her "anorexic" and commenting on her body.
She explained: "It’s not nice as no one would call someone fat, but they think it’s OK to call me anorexic. I did respond to one of them, as I was fuming.
"Everyone knows I’m a Coeliac, and I’ve just been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. People need to realise I’m always going to have problems with this and not troll me. I’m always going to have Coeliac disease, it’s a serious thing and it’s life changing.
"It can lead to bowel cancer if you don’t control your diet, so this is a serious thing I have to live with and people need to stop trolling me. I eat enough, I just had a roast dinner, I scoff food and it’s not my fault I can’t keep it in me. I was really ill growing up as my body was rejecting everything."