
Martin Scorsese blasts ‘amusement park’ Marvel movies

Martin Scorsese says Marvel movies are "amusement parks" rather than real cinema.
The veteran filmmaker – who has directed the like of ‘Taxi Driver’, ‘Goodfellas’ and upcoming crime epic ‘The Irishman’ – has hit out at comic book blockbusters and insisted movie audiences "shouldn’t be invaded".
Speaking at the London Film Festival, he said: "The value of a film that’s like a theme park film, for example, the Marvel type pictures where the theaters become amusement parks, that’s a different experience.
"As I was saying earlier, it’s not cinema, it’s something else. Whether you go for that or not, it is something else and we shouldn’t be invaded by it.
"And so that’s a big issue, and we need the theater owners to step up for that to allow theaters to show films that are narrative films."
While Scorsese has conceded such movies are "well made", he doesn’t think they carry the same "emotional" weight as other stories on the big screen.
He previously explained: "I don’t see them. I tried, you know? But that’s not cinema. "Honestly, the closest I can think of them, as well made as they are, with actors doing the best they can under the circumstances, is theme parks.
"It isn’t the cinema of human beings trying to convey emotional, psychological experiences to another human being."
His comments come after Jennifer Aniston claimed Marvel films are "diminishing" cinema.
Explaining her return to television with ‘The Morning Show’, she recently said: "You’re seeing what’s available out there and it’s just diminishing and diminishing in terms of, it’s big Marvel movies.
"Or things that I’m just not asked to do or really interested living in a green screen."