
Mark Ronson misses Sunday roasts

Mark Ronson misses Sunday roasts when he’s in Los Angeles.
The 43-year-old producer – who is the son of Laurence Ronson and Ann Dexter-Jones – says that although he and his siblings "take after his mum" and don’t often cook, his British father loves preparing a traditional Sunday roast dinner and the musician very much enjoys the "communal spirit" of the meal.
Speaking on the ‘Table Manners with Jessie Ware’ podcast, he said: "We all took after my mum in the fact we don’t really cook but I think that now that Charlotte, my sister, has had two children she’s getting into preparing food.
"I think it’s something I’m excited to do you know I’d like to have a couple go to meals or something like that.
"My dad who lives here he’s kind of the cook … he enjoys making the Sunday roasts and chicken, I love it, In LA, Sunday roast doesn’t make a whole lot of sense because it’s so hot all the time, I guess that’s something I definitely miss about [England].
"I just like the communal spirit of the Sunday roast whether you’re having it home or like a big pub it’s just such a nice part of like Sunday."
The ‘Nothing Breaks Like a Heart’ hitmaker went on to explain that although he isn’t a natural in the kitchen he was forced to cook while on the Paleo diet – where the only food consumed is that similar to what might have been eaten during the Paleolithic era, a meal plan also known as the caveman diet – and he surprised himself with the dishes he learned to make.
He said: "I mean I can make like, I have a couple of things. I was doing this Paleo diet for a bit so I can make like pretty good things on that.
"It’s a lot of preparation. I could make these chocolate brownies that you could swear were like made with cocoa powder. I can also grill a piece of sword fish."