
Louise Thompson used to blackout from booze

Louise Thompson used to drink to the point of "blacking out."
The ‘Made in Chelsea’ star may be an advocate for healthy living now that she’s with her partner Ryan Libbey – who is a personal trainer – but she has admitted she didn’t treat her body with the respect it deserved when she first started out on the show and used to hit the bottle hard when she was dealing with any relationship woes on screen.
Speaking to Happiful, she said: "My mental state was all over the place. I didn’t think of myself as a human being who I should look after, I just bulldozed through life."
The 27-year-old beauty was still studying at Edinburgh university when she joined the E4 show in 2011 and found it a challenge commuting between there and London.
She explained: "I was studying, then getting on a train to film the show, and none of it was making me happy. I’d go out, get so wasted to the point of blacking out, and then be really hungover the whole of the next day."
However, Louise is glad she didn’t turn violent when she drunk – but she did make a fool of herself and had to go round picking up the pieces for the next few days afterwards.
She added: "I would go out and get really drunk and forget about everything.
"I was never a horrible drunk or aggressive, but I would embarrass myself, so I would have to pick up the pieces for the next few days."
Meanwhile, although she’s still enjoying her time on the show, Louise would also like to put her geography and economics degree to good use by becoming a weather girl.
She said recently: "I have no idea what I’ll do after ‘Made in Chelsea’. I don’t know if I could get taken seriously in a boardroom anymore. I want to be a weather woman. Brightening up people’s mornings or if you’re living in the UK, probably make you more depressed. I would love to do presenting, a lot of people tell me that I’d be good at presenting. I get along with everybody. Maybe I could be a spokeswoman."