
Lisa Snowdon explains chopsticks diet trick

Lisa Snowdon learned her chopsticks diet trick whilst observing how "considered" people are over their food in Japan.
The 47-year-old model revealed in May this year that she now eats all her meals with chopsticks because they make her eat slower, and therefore she feels fuller quicker.
And now, Lisa says she got her idea from a trip to Japan, where she says the people she met took time to "appreciate food".
When asked about her chopsticks comment, she explained to The Sun on Sunday’s Fabulous magazine: "I’d just got back from Japan. It’s just about taking time and appreciating food, especially if you’ve taken time to cook it. If I get home and I’ve got a fork I’m literally like [shovelling it]. I’m not even stopping for air. In Japan, we were a bit more dainty, it was a bit more considered, we ate more slowly and got fuller more quickly and for longer. It’s just a little thing [I said] and everybody jumped on it."
In May, Lisa – who is engaged to George Smart – said her trick to eating less was to use chopsticks instead of a knife and fork, because she could fool her brain into enjoying smaller portions.
She said at the time: "It’s weird, but it makes me eat more slowly. If I’m hungry and I use a fork, I shovel food in like an absolute cannibal, but with chopsticks I chew more and it takes longer. It’s a good method to trick myself into eating less."
The star refuses to weigh herself and instead gauges her body shape by how well her clothes fit.
She said: "I don’t own scales, I think they’re the devil. I just become obsessed and jump on and off them at different times of the day. Now, I judge whether I’ve put on weight by how my clothes fit. If my jeans are snug and there’s excess skin at the top, I’ll do portion control and limit carbs after 6pm.
"I restrict booze too – I get too excited by a lunchtime glass of rose in summer. It’s hidden calories though so I’ll swap wine for a lower-calorie vodka, lime and soda."