
Lisa Snowdon ‘chilled’ about marriage

Lisa Snowdon isn’t bothered if she doesn’t get married.
The 46-year-old model got engaged to businessman boyfriend George Smart last December but they haven’t started planning their wedding yet and she’s taking a "chilled" approach to her prospective nuptials.
She said: "I am so unconventional – I have never been married before, never been engaged, I’m not having children.
"So if we get married, we get married. If we don’t, we don’t. Honestly, I am so chilled about it.
"Don’t get me wrong, I want to be with George for the rest of my life but I’m not driven by a wedding ceremony.
"We might just run away or go do it with some friends."
Though she isn’t placing too much importance on getting married, Lisa thinks she’s finally found the right man for her.
She told Closer magazine: "Being in love is wicked. I think George is gorgeous and we really fancy each other – but it’s more than that with us.
"He boosts me up when I’m feeling down and makes me feel like I am invincible.
"He has got such a positive energy and is a beautiful soul – he’s so caring.
"It’s taken so long to find someone who compliments me. We feel like a team. He’s my friend, as well as everything else."
The couple dated briefly 15 years ago but got together properly in 2015 and the brunette beauty thinks the lengthy stint apart was important.
She said: "Timing is everything. Our relationship wouldn’t have worked all those years ago.
"We both needed to go through what we needed to go through, live our lives, make our mistakes.
"People say, ‘Only look forward’ but I think, sometimes, you have to look back. It worked for me!"