
Lillie Lexie Gregg unfollows Stephen Bear on Twitter

Lillie Lexie Gregg has unfollowed her cheating ex-boyfriend Stephen Bear on Twitter.
The ‘Ex on the Beach’ beauty was left heartbroken earlier this month when she watched her beau lock lips with busty babe Chloe Khan in the ‘Celebrity Big Brother’ house but has now decided to close the door on their romance once and for all.
The blonde star took part in a Facebook Live chat with The Sun newspaper in which they played a game that involved them unfollowing the ‘Ex on the Beach’ cast on camera.
Lillie – who was joined by her co-star Jordan Davies – picked a card with her ex-boyfriend’s name on it and was told she had to wipe him from her social networking site.
Jordan was given the power to unfollow Bear and tweet him the reason but Lillie interjected and told him the whole situation was still "raw and emotional" for her to deal with.
She said: "Bear in mind this is quite a raw, emotional… I don’t know if we can make a joke out of this … Do we even have to tweet? Can we not just unfollow?"
Jordan, clearly sympathising with his co-star, agreed with her and then replied: "You’ve had enough stress."
Meanwhile, the 25-year-old model recently admitted she’s "still in shock" at being dumped on national television.
She said: "I’m in shock. I’m gutted, embarrassed humiliated, but the Bear I’m watching on the television is unrecognisable as my boyfriend. It never even entered my head that I couldn’t trust him.
"When he first kissed Chloe, even though it was a dare, from that moment it was completely finished. That was disrespectful and hurtful and horrible to watch."
And Lillie insists there is no way she will forgive Bear for his antics.
She explained: "If he was in the house for a few months and I saw him gradually falling for someone, that would be understandable, but I can’t understand this. I can’t imagine ever speaking to him again."