
Lili Reinhart is ‘open sexually’

Lili Reinhart is "very open sexually".
The ‘Riverdale’ star – who has been romantically linked to her co-star Cole Sprouse – says she loves to talk about sex but admits there is one "big insecurity" she has in the bedroom – not living up to her partner’s expectations.
She said: "I’m very open sexually. I love to talk about it … It’s interesting – one big insecurity I had to get past was when the person I’m with has had more sexual experiences than I have and has been in love more than I have. It’s mainly sexual though – I find myself thinking that they’re comparing me to their ex-lovers. I know it’s a stupid insecurity, because I can’t control someone’s past or dictate who they slept with before me … and besides, they’re with me for a reason."
And with all the sexual misconduct stories flying around Hollywood, Lili – who previously claimed an older co-star tried to force himself on her when she was a teenager – admits it can be "intimidating" being a young woman in the industry.
She added to Cosmopolitan magazine: "Being a young woman in Hollywood is intimidating. I came forward on my Tumblr to talk about my sexual assault story, and I know you’ve dealt with sexual assault as well. In my situation, I know how powerless I felt, because it was my career on the line. It’s hard not to think that your next move dictates your career – aka the rest of your life."