
Lili Reinhart is on a solo healing journey

Lili Reinhart has embarked on a journey of "mental clarity and healing".

The 23-year-old actress has taken a solo trip to Mount Shasta in California, where she hopes to "reconnect" with herself and "take care" of her mental well being.

She wrote on Instagram: "Took a solo trip to Mount Shasta for some mental clarity and healing. Very grateful to have the opportunity to travel to such a sacred place and reconnect with myself and God. hope all of you are using this time to take care of yourselves and reflect — it’s vital. (sic)"

Lili’s post comes after she recently said the coronavirus pandemic has worsened her battle with anxiety, because she now "stresses out all the time" about simple tasks such as going to the post office.

She explained: "I stress myself out all the time. Going to the post office … I really don’t want to drive to post office. It gives me anxiety because I don’t want to leave my dog, I don’t want to have to deal with going out in public."

The ‘Riverdale’ star also spoke about needing to wear a mask when entering shops, as although she’s happy to wear one, she finds it "stressful".

She added: "I don’t want to deal with the mask thing, I would [wear a mask], but I don’t want to put myself in a stressful environment. I get myself hyped up about very dumb things."

Meanwhile, Lili previously said she has been affected by depression in "so many ways", and credited therapy trips with helping to tackle her problems head on.

She said: "Depression has affected me in so many ways. It’s something that never goes away. I’ve experienced depression and anxiety. Not constantly, but I’m still experiencing it. I have spells of time where I feel completely unmotivated, I don’t want to do anything and I question myself. I don’t know how to handle stress very well.

"Seeing the therapist allowed me to be understood. The goal for me has been to always leave therapy feeling a couple of inches taller. Feeling like I’ve alleviated myself of a problem by learning how to solve it. Not everything has a straight answer – it’s not just going to take one session – but I start to think, ‘I’ve grown, I’ve done this, I’ve figured this out, now can I go off into the world and try to put what I’ve learned into action.’ That’s how I look at therapy. I am not crazy, and I am not problematic. I am just a human who’s feeling something in a different way than some other people would."