
Liam Gallagher apologises for homophobic tweet

Liam Gallagher has apologised for his homophobic tweet.
The former Oasis singer was referring to trouble between England and Russian soccer supporters at Euro 2016 when he wrote: "Russian hooligans skintight shorts bumbags batty boy muscles ha ha I’d be more worried bout getting me arse pinched LG X (sic)."
"Batty boy" is a derogatory Jamaican term for a homosexual and ‘Coronation Street’ actor Antony Cotton hit out at Liam’s insult, in the wake of the mass shooting at a gay club in Orlando over the weekend, where 49 people died.
He tweeted Liam saying: "Especially in light of what happened in Orlando a few days ago, that tweet is ugly and upsetting @liamgallagher #NoBystanders (sic)."
Liam soon took to Twitter to send his apologies, saying: "If I’ve upset anybody with my tweets I apologise that includes you RKID as you were LG x (sic)."
Meanwhile, a number of celebrities have shown their support for the LGBTQ community following the mass shooting in Orlando.
Lady Gaga joined thousands of people outside City Hall in downtown Los Angeles earlier this week where she helped to read out the names of those who died.
She said: "As we have now witnessed the largest mass shooting in American history, I can’t help but feel that this level of hatred, like all prejudicial crimes, this is an attack on humanity itself."
Nick Jonas and Tituss Burgess were among those who gathered at a vigil in New York while Mara Wilson took to social media to reveal her sexuality as "bi/queer" in the wake of the mass killings.
Madonna called for an end to "hate crimes" and declared her support for the victims, posting an image of two men touching tongues on her Twitter account.
Underneath the picture, she wrote: "Love is love. Stop hate crimes. Any form of terrorism is a form of Hate! (sic)"
And Kim Kardashian West made an impassioned plea for better gun control laws.
Kim said the current legislation "makes it easy for dangerous people" to obtain weapons.
She tweeted: "I’m truly at a loss for words. To everyone in Orlando affected by this massacre, my thoughts, love, & prayers are with u.
"Under current federal law people on terror watch lists can legally buy guns — this is called the Terror Gap.
"We have repeatedly called on Congress to close this loophole that makes it easy for dangerous people to get guns & kill. Nothing has changed!!!! People continue to senselessly die. When will these gun laws be changed?! (sic)"