
Len Goodman misses Strictly Come Dancing

Len Goodman doesn’t like watching Shirley Ballas in his role on ‘Strictly Come Dancing’.
Although the former head judge believes Shirley, 57, is doing a great job as his replacement, he admitted he cannot bear to watch as it makes him miss the BBC show.
Len, 74, told the Sunday Mirror: "It’s a bit like splitting up with a girlfriend.
"It’s the right thing to do but then you see the girl with another geezer and you think, ‘That was my girl’.
"It was wonderful, I enjoyed it and eventually it’s hard to think of things to say about the foxtrot.
"It’s nice to know the professional dancers miss me. I only saw two of the programmes in the last series."
And although he knows that the public misses him on the show, Len is sure that they have grown to love Shirley in the role.
He said: "People get used to them. It’s a bit like a character on ‘EastEnders’, you get used to the person who runs the Vic. Then a new landlord comes in and you’re like, ‘They are not as good’.
"You get all that. Then you soon get used to it and they’re great."
Despite claims that a clash with Shirley led to professional dancer Brendan Cole leaving the show, Len doesn’t believe this was the case.
He said: "I had many a fallout with Brendan. But there was no harm done and no grudges, there was nothing. I don’t know why he went. I think it is all supposition really. Who knows?"